Crybaby Boobie

Ok, it worked, but I had to do it through firefox.

Testing this thing out!

Good, then it's not just me.

Good, then it's not just me.

I'm back from lunch and we're still here?

I'm back from lunch and we're still here?

I'm back from lunch and we're still here?

Fade to white?

Fade to white?

Fade to white?

No, we voted the mean old developer guy president, remember?

It worked pretty well on a deadspin thread. Which of course I checked out due to the GIANT ASS ADVERTISEMENT on the side telling me I might like to go there.

I have no idea. It was during a breitbart invasion, so maybe I got hit in the crossfire? I lost some good posts! Funny ones! [cite not available]

I was banned for 2 weeks earlier this year, and hundreds of my posts were deleted. My 3 year absence was due to whatever vagaries of Disqus ticked off the work websenser.

Don't they post all the same GJIs and press releases that AV Club does anyway? Sometimes my facebook feed is just 4 Krustys of every entertainment and Trump post.

3563 UPVOTES For this one

Unfortunately, there's a lot more of the worst people in America than even I realized.

I enjoyed a brief but memorable stint as Sideshow Crybaby Boobie.

He's his own best friend.

I used to read it regularly up until about 10 years ago. So I guess I am partly to blame.