
Right, I got that, but here's what I'm missing: The consequences of going to the cops in that case are that she goes to jail, but not for nearly as long as Walt does. And the kids are safe. I mean, maybe if her defense attorney is good and/or she makes a deal, she might not even do any time.

Right, I got that, but here's what I'm missing: The consequences of going to the cops in that case are that she goes to jail, but not for nearly as long as Walt does. And the kids are safe. I mean, maybe if her defense attorney is good and/or she makes a deal, she might not even do any time.

I'd be interested in some clarification:

I'd be interested in some clarification:

Nobody (KFC or CFA) would be stupid enough to sue over this. Firstly, it's satire so they'd never win. Secondly, they'd look like huge assholes in the process. They'll ignore it.

Nobody (KFC or CFA) would be stupid enough to sue over this. Firstly, it's satire so they'd never win. Secondly, they'd look like huge assholes in the process. They'll ignore it.

I once lived down the street from a Taco Bell that closed at *10*. Every night.

I once lived down the street from a Taco Bell that closed at *10*. Every night.

You go too fast, bitch!

You go too fast, bitch!

Now Cadillacs are fiberglass, unfortunately.

Where does Pink Floyd fit into all this?

This episode was awful. And I'm not a hater. Believe me, please.

Maybe the review skips over a short cameo from Val Klimer or Ed Harris and his crazy band of Marines. That's the only explanation.

The point is that hipsters and hipsters-turned-yuppies are everywhere. Portland may have a higher percentage of them, but I've never lived in Portland, and I know *everyone* on this show.

I like the show, but I have no idea how they think they can get 10 more good episodes out of Portlandia.

"Well now you see good neighbor, by adding *MORE POWER* to your Binford 6100 Circular Saw, knowing full-well that it was not built to withstand such stress, you have created a moral hazard. I'm not going to reattach Mark's arm unless you pay me the market rate for such a procedure, in gold."

You are completely right, of course. Don't mind my bad attitude. :)

Our pop culture is terrible.

With all this said, though, given the modern connotation of "crib" I might think the writers would have wanted to find a different word, particularly given that it was going to be yelled loudly at a famous rapper.