
I agree with this. I would have loved to have seen a TNG take on a ST:IV-type story. I loved First Contact (as I'm sure everyone can tell) but can take or leave the next two, it would indeed have been great if they'd taken that tack with one (or both, why not?) of those films.

@avclub-6ddbcfc5780466b4939637df65b65c3d:disqus But that's the trick, isn't it? It's a movie, for wide release. What were they supposed to do, two hours of the Enterprise firing Class II probes at spatial anomalies, Worf grappling with his need to express his inner Klingon-ness while simultaneously serving Starfleet,

I really can't believe this groundswell of distaste for First Contact. That movie is great, so what if it ended with Picard in a muscle shirt and a cheesy line from Data. If I'm re-watching a pre-Abrams Trek movie it's on the (very) short list.

Also bugged me that the film screeched to grinding halt every 25 minutes so that we could reverently watch a column of gallant soldiers marching off to oblivion. I'm like, "It's a post-9/11 world Steve, I get it, but once is enough."

Translation: "We can shoot two movies at the same time and make double the money."

Also, man, Carrie Fisher is looking rough.

I agree with this. The guys that built (or, rather, paid other people to build) the CP were far more interesting.

Would also nominate the DBT's "Hell no I ain't happy".

Seriously. Speaking as a train dork, the trains in this show look like crap. And it's not like there's a shortage, per se, of the real thing out there either. Gah.

You'd have to do eight of the ten episodes on them getting to the front, because they'd all die immediately once they got there. Doesn't really make for terribly compelling TV.

From your keyboard to Tina Fey's brain.

Damn you guys, now I have to go watch that tonight!


Caught this live last night by accident. It was the first new Simpsons I've watched in awhile and was awesome, I thought. I really should be watching this show. Can't figure out why I can't find time.

Bill Simmons is the ultimate example of a Regular Bro given a platform entirely too big for him. He's everywhere, and I don't think he can keep up.

Not insane. I had exactly the same experience with this review.

There's also "Ollie Hopnoodle's Haven of Bliss," which my mom has somewhere on VHS to this day. And it ain't bad.

Primarily in the Confederate Army.