Cruz Flores

I try to introduce myself with "It is I" because of Lapubelle

When I was growing up I thought John Cusack was the coolest guy in the universe but now I'm fairly certain he has a debilitating drug problem. It's either that or he's paying someone his life's savings to slowly poison him because he spends all his time sleepwalking through horrible movies like he's being held a

I cannot see Karen Sisco without my heart hurting a bit. Third tv show I most wish had more episodes after The Good Guys and Pushing Daisies

My favorite chair episode was the one where Frasier gives it to the Goodwill and then has to hunt all over town for it eventually coming to a High School Production of And Then There Were None and can only get the chair back by playing a part in the play with the High School Kids. He gets flowers for his performance

Too much. Nobody goes to their deathbed wishing they had spent more time hating Ed Sheeran

Perhaps but this is a thing you should not be devoting your energy to at all

Coming up next: Steve Whitmore presents an evening with Kermit the Frog complaining about The Jim Henson Company


Also Ygritte and Jon Snow are a couple in real life

Nah, Littlefinger is an idiot. He just seems smart because no one ever knows what he's actually doing. Once people are aware of his schemes, he doesn't have much left. He's like the kid who thinks he's the best at a video game because he always beats the computer,

Sorcerer is the only good late 70's film brat, over budget, debacle.

Sad Beep

For most of my childhood The Chinese was the apex of movie watching in Los Angeles, however the Dome eventually surpassed it with sound quality and comfort.

Being funny is the lowest form of comedy

Someone seems to be forgetting a little movie called The Sword and the Stone. At least it has a more consistent tone than Excalibur and you can actually follow the plot.

I should check

I for many years held on to the false memory of a scene in Ghostbusters where the guys are in their college office and take beer out of a fridge marked "Hazardous Material"

To be fair, that is a really great tagline for a horror movie.

I never understood the appeal of reality show "bad boys/girls"; The untamed id looked more like human cock fighting than anything I'd want to indulge in, but Jenna Maroney on 30 Rock made me understand just how awful I could be if I was endowed with money, fame and lack of concern for anyone but myself.

Stopped reading at the word "middlebrow"