Cruz Flores

I will go to bat and say at least at one time, Arnold Schwarzenegger was a phenomenal actor. He just communicated with his body instead of his words. I don't think that makes him any less of an actor.

Also famed session guitarist and member of the Blues Brothers band, Donald Duck Dunn

a shit load of money?

So how come John doesn't leave the building out the fire escape?

That guy knew it was a bomb and robbery. He was a part of the plan. He just thought it would be a fake bomb until his partners betrayed him.

I honestly thought the band was for people who listened to music differently than I did but I listened to their second album The Shaggs Own Thing and I actually like their slightly more polished sound five years later on songs like I Love and You're Something Special to Me and especially My Cutie which I think I've

But most people move their digital files from hard drive to hard drive every few years anyway when they buy a new computer instead of just storing them in one place like CDs

I'll defend Real Love. It sounds like what the Beatles would have recorded in the 80's if they had stayed together

I just laughed for five solid minutes and my son thinks I've gone insane

He did what the entire Academy wanted to do. Kick Richard Gere in the balls.

No, those are his beliefs. I would bet any amount of money he doesn't believe Bill cosby raped a single woman.

I have long believed Spielberg would have been perfect for the Shining. It has all the Spielberg stuff, middle class family, daddy issues, kid with powers, supernatural elements. The movie we got was better than the book but Spielberg would have made the best version of the book.

I would cast the Cowboys as the Targaryens

Hey if we're just yelling out crazy shit that will never happen, how about bring back Greg Daniels?

"Buried alive!"
"Hello, Computer?"
"Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."

Speedy Gonzalez: Considered racist by white people who think they should be the authority on what other races should be offended by

My favorite part of "Trials and Tribble-ations" is that it is where they established as canon the TOS era being characterized by everyone being DTF and this has carried on in the new movies.

I may not be the biggest fan of his directorial work but I really love Frankie and Johnny. I understand it's not the stage play but it's just so damn humane, it really meant a lot to me when I was a lonely teenager hoping one day I'd find love.

I think the most prominent reference I didn't get was a whole character based on Lon Chaney Jr.'s portrayal of Lenny from Of Mice and Men