I'm aware that my anonymity is going to make this a very easy claim to dismiss, but I can't take any chances, really.
I'm aware that my anonymity is going to make this a very easy claim to dismiss, but I can't take any chances, really.
I personally think the focus needs to not be on Ms Quinn but on the broader picture. Here is an image http://imgur.com/j5T7yPh that shows that Mr Grayson and Ms Quinn were acquainted prior to his post mentioning her game. The original blog post from Ms Quinn's jilted ex also opines that Ms Quinn was engaged in a…
Literally every Metroid game has rewarded speedy players with a more revealing look at Samus in a bikini after the closing credits.
I'm still waiting for the consoles to understand that buying a digital copy of a game shouldn't be at the same price point as the disc version.
I guess I'll never pay more than $10.00 for another one of Cliff's games then.
Sony sells $400 consoles. What you are asking for requires much more expensive hardware right now. If that's important to you, you're welcome to spend a couple thousand on the best PC you can buy and wait for game development to catch up.
Good Lord. I don't mind that most of the articles aren't that related to video games. But I still can't get over how far Kotaku has plummeted since Brian Crecente left. Kotaku barely has any real articles anymore. Its just reposts of videos and jabs at things they don't like. I can't remember the last time this…
I'm sorry. I swear I try to hold back but I can't.
Its all I could think of, now it's all you can think of.
hopefully Sniper Elite 4 takes it one step further, showing you your victims newly widowed wife, and his child growing up without a father and falling into bad habits and messing about with the wrong crowd.
If you've never seen Blazing Saddles, it's your responsibility as a human to resolve that.
Really should just pull the art from Event Horizon:
Obviously this was fake. I mean did you SEE those bedrooms?!?
Rather can we just have a show where Steven Ogg jumps from random sketchy job to sketchy job?
He would play a fantastic Beetlejuice, for sure.
Sometimes it's easier to just use the back door.
Those reporters are huge dicks, "You're dressed like superman,why didn't you do anything?"
Lozzle do us fellow PC players a favor and shut up. Its Master Race like you that have single handily made people that use PC as a gaming device seem like snobby asshats!