you've never beaten any of the original Metroids, have you? She's ALWAYS shown skin, even back in the NES days.
you've never beaten any of the original Metroids, have you? She's ALWAYS shown skin, even back in the NES days.
Soooo... Gone Home in Rapture, then?
it's a cop car, who cares? It's not like it was someone's personal car, or people were getting hurt.
Sony, however, doesn't require Playstation + for subscription based games.
like a lot of people, I started on the series and went through the books afterwards. I had to live through Ned's death all over again, as he makes one mistake after another! NOOOOOOO
I knew I'd find this comment if I looked hard enough.
More like: Deep Silver screwed over the developers and made them rush out a second, unfinished game that they were unhappy with, so they got a new publisher.
I bought a PS4 last month. I knew I wanted one, and that I would get one eventually, I just happened to have the funds available, so I got it while I could. My only game so far is a last gen "definitive" edition.
Gee, Kotaku, you really cannot understand why this ripoff of a game is making so much money? Really?
Obviously Lovecraftian horrors are on the top, just so few movies have been able to get them right.
from the waist down, these are the most awkward characters ever.
wow, that video is horribly embarrassing.
Naturally, the Flappy Bird sensation has garnered a wide range of reactions from critics and pundits. Most people acknowledge that it's a terrible game—which it is—and many have attempted to dissect its massive appeal. (Ian Bogost's analysis at The Atlantic is the most compelling I've read so far.)
You're right, I saw porn by the time I was 13. You know what I didn't do? Rape someone and then blame the pron for it. I would like to think my parents had a little say in my ability to use common fucking sense, and weigh consequences for such a retarded action.
These always look great... but honestly, no 8, 16, or 32 bit EVER looked like that.
Dammit, this was going to be the first game I got for my PS4.... Guess Thief it is, then.
I don't know... the area they showed the "zombies" actually looked like a prison... so maybe they are just insane inmates?
Notice what he didn't say was hurting business?
they're gonna buy out Sega and Platinum.