Crunk Abortion

He’s been arrested and charged! Behold, child choking shitheel Dr. John B. Rademaker:

Others have pointed out that Mannie should have let off with #1 Stunner and What Happened to That Boy, I’m just gonna point out that Scott doled out that entire ass whooping with Lay Low tied behind his back. He didn’t even flex by dropping one of his beats he’s made for damn near everyone on the Cash Money roster at

Still bitter about Deus ex.

The fact that Bill said this from above ground disproves his assertion.

Was I the only one expecting Julia to non-chalantly blow Reynard's head clean off halfway through Persephone's speech, a la Jules from Pulp Fiction?

The high Josh montage might have been my favorite part of the episode. It was a much needed moment of levity in an otherwise dour plot-heavy episode, and it fit perfectly with what little we have seen of his character so far. Honestly, based on that scene I'm hoping he gets bumped to series regular next season.

I always pictured Czernobog as Louis CK in goblin makeup.

Their output with Edith has been hot garbage IMO. They don't have the same sense of melody and composition that they used to, and the vocals are filtered to hell and back to hide the fact that Edith is basically an Alice Glass stunt double with no personality, who can't sing for shit.

Normally I'd say something pithy, but that's a just a damn good point. I fucking love Rakim.

Korn and Papa Roach aren't in the same league, they're not even playing the same sport. Papa Roach is "I'm gonna sing about killing myself because of a bad break up." Korn is "I'm a manic depressive drug addict because I was molested as a child." They only get lumped together because they both have insufferable

Mind. Blown.

I saw them open for Crystal Castles

I'm leaving this comment because an anonymous downvote isn't enough.

This is my favorite moment too. Just in the interest of science, what was your favorite scene from 40 Year Old Virgin?

You guys owe Edgar Wright an apology here.

To be fair, that's exactly *why* they cast him for Pete Campbell. If you don't break out in hives every time he opens his simpering mouth, you're watching the show wrong.

For me, it's Gz and Hustlaz

Like, what the fuck happened, did their cd skip over Lodi Dodi or something? Kids these days, man. It's literally ON the album. Track 7.

No you don't. If you don't like Slick Rick, then you should take the advice that Snoop gave you on the very album you love so much, and eat a dick.