Crunk Abortion

This man speaks the truth. I don't understand the mentality of people shitting on that scene. I don't give a rats ass about shipping and whatnot, but this is a logical character development that's been building since season 1. It doesn't become awful just because some people on the internet get way too excited about

Three years old and there aren't enough people hating on this shitty article.

I've seen them perform these live, and Alice sang both of those songs. Ethan didn't even have a microphone. Are there maybe alternate versions floating around?

Look again? It's not featured in the shot, but you can definitely see it poking out.

Um, spoilers I guess, but in the promo pics he's absolutely wearing a furry hooded parka, just with the hood down.

I saw them live and Alice went apeshit with a bottle of Jack Daniels throughout most of the show. It takes talent to crowdsurf (on her hands and knees no less), swill whiskey, and sing some crazy ass vocal parts at the same time.

That's a really stressful ringtone.

In the five minutes that I've been following this comment thread I've A) Seen the aftermath of a suicide bombing B) Seen naked boobs and C) Upvoted a comment about someone else's lonliness and misery.

Because he still had one hand left to prop himself up with!

Would this be a bad time to point out that a Friday Night Lights movie already exists?