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Yeah, Simmonds is a bad dude. This video is great:

What about with McSorley behind him?

Someone will make a version of this where Simmons is Trump and Ericsson is Hillary and I just threw up all over myself writing that.

This is permanently ready to be pasted into any conversation I have about how people could vote for this man.

Even spree shooters respect the electioneering restrictions

Backdoor and to the Left

That means you’re presidential material, my friend.

Considering he also had really bad back problems, I figured he would be pounding muscle relaxers and scotch... what I am saying is he would probably be passed out, drooling, with a flaccid dong in his hand.

So Bradlee was the second shooter.

Lyndon B. Johnson: Hey, it looks like early results have Nixon ahead.

Kennedy knew the only pole that counted, was the one in his pants

You set that one up soo had. This was nice.

don’t worry, it’s not over, she still has a chance.

SpongeJim CostcoPants

Didn’t the Simpsons eviscerate Sponge Bob into slurry?

*Song starts* “Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?”

“Near” is the operative word here. If it was election related, wouldn’t it happen inside the polling place? Heard reports that it happened on a school basketball court, near a middle school. I’m going school shooting before election shooting.

Coming in with your usual strong take, I see.

Why do you doubt it was??