
IrisJK is a mean old troll who pounces on everyone who dares to express the idea that 2016 was bad.

I chuckled at “determine who are the terrific people.” He knows like 4 adjectives. I laugh in order to not cry.

Here’s what you’re missing. They loved Condi because she was SUBSERVIENT to a white man.

Oh, much much worse. I’ve seen a lot of these, but it’s going to be a while until I can look at them again. What we’ve lost....

((Sigh)) Now we just need this in coffee table book form. O, My President.

And now there are tears streaming down my face. I can’t believe we’re losing this family, and what we are getting in return. I am HEARTBROKEN. Obama, at every turn, was about respecting everyone, and to lose that to someone who is about the exact opposite is agony. Not until this moment had I really, really thought

These photos totally cheered me up.

And tears.

gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiilove these

So, breakfast?

You are literally the only one pushing this “they think we’re simple folk!” whining. You’ve got this bucolic view of the red parts of the Electoral map, where you seem to think “real”(and overwhelmingly white) Americans live. You think “state’s rights” is a cause that needs championing, and you’re distrustful of

It really is a fascinating situation. I’ve been having some “fun” conversations with people about this. Since the vast majority of people do not have even a basic understanding of the electoral college and have no idea how it’s members are determined I’m sure if that happened the backlash from Trump supporters toward

Must be all the farm subsidies.

I donated to planned parenthood and then got a lecture from a family member about dead babies. So I donated again, double my original amount, in said family member’s name.

Appreciate your insights. Come on back any time and chime in.

The fact is that more Americans voted for Clinton than Trump, and yet somehow Trump is the one who’s taking office. The electoral college puts a thumb on the scale in favor of states with very few people in them.

True. Although I think it’s so much more important face to face and most of us hang out with like minded people. But I do hear what you’re saying.

They’re not in Congress either.

Cheers :)

You know you give me, oddly, some optimism. That you and people like you, will fight against an authoritarian, even if he’s on your “side”.