
Are you talking about CA, or CO? Our rural/urban division runs east/west, not north/south. Anyway, agreed that there is a rural/urban division; having lived in both, I think part of the issue is that the educated folks with more opportunities tend to leave the sticks for the cities.

I don’t care if she’s a republican if she has some sense and supports the VRA, women’s reproductive rights, LGBT rights & protections, and of course, civil rights for minorities.

To be fair the people providing your food in California are just as conservative as the rest

In a national election every one vote should have equal weight. There is no way to rationalize it. It defies logic. It defies democracy

I don’t know why people keep not taking this man seriously? No one, NO ONE, thought he would win thing and he did. The groups that he singled out on the campaign trail are being attacked.

So you’re saying some people’s votes should count more than others. No surprise you lean right

I think the results of this election have shown that “undecided” = “voting for Trump but too embarrassed to say so.”

What is the upside to the Electoral College, in your opinion?

My mom was an undecided voter. She voted for a democrat for the first time in her life, despite truly disliking Clinton, because she thought Trump was just that bad and, unlike you, wanted to do everything she could to prevent him from ruining our country and her children’s futures.

As “deal with the devil” that feels to me, I kinda have to agree.

Dog passing is absolutely up there too. Ugh. And feel you in the time after a loved one passes. The crying in your office because you remember them? When you catch a whiff of their perfume or cologne and you think for a second its them? Ugh

I just think it encourages candidates to focus on a few states instead of traveling to meet all people and it’ll never allow for a multiparty system to succeed except with a great deal of money. Money and time limit should be another thing to be addressed. There’s too money in politics and who the hell wants to hear

It would help heal the country without a doubt and it could turn the GOP around. The electoral college definitely needs to be eliminated though and I can’t imagine why both parties wouldn’t want it now more than ever given how much drama it’s caused in the last 20 years. I wouldn’t be comfortable if this had happened

I can just imagine Prince taking the news of a Trump presidency...

About rights: point taken. I suspect that many of us will find this out sooner than later.

When Bush won, I wasn’t thrilled, especially considering how contentious the win was, but I didn’t protest and I was perfectly polite about it to my conservative family, who did not gloat in the slightest. Once he was in office, his actions were fair game for ridicule, as were Obama’s, but I never suggested that Bush

See, the difference is I’m not questioning Trump’s legitimacy as president. He won it fair and square in our shitshow of an election process. I don’t literally believe he’s not the president like the Obama haters did. But he does not represent anything I stand for or any of the values that actually make America great.

Bill Maher was in full scorched earth mode last week. I can’t even imagine how he’ll be this weekend. He might have a stroke on air.

Oh my god me too!! For the most innocuous comment too.

Me too actually. I don’t wanna put this on you but I have been banned by all Deadspin sites. Anyone who follows me just an FYI.