
Great quote by the announcer: “The Cowboys were planning on stopping this, but they didn’t...”

Confused with their success, Cam Erving would soon restore order to the universe by getting ejected.

And then two plays later their center went and got himself ejected. Can’t have good things apparently.

Well, I think all of your opinions are wrong, but they’re a sane and reasonable kind of wrong, that I can politely disagree with. I wish the rest of the Republican Party was that kind of wrong.

If anything, I’m glad you’re not like that asshole who first replied to you. I appreciate Republicans who still take pride in their views and don’t easily fall for this conspiracy theory crap, including supporting Donald Trump. I wish I could be more like this, but sadly it’s the most crazy Republicans that speak

Isn’t Libertarianism more in line with your philosophy? I mean, the Republican Party has been in bed with the RR since Reagan. I just wonder, why have you and other like-minded Republicans stuck with them for so long when it became clear their priorities were not with your issues?


You guys are like beautiful unicorns! At this point reasonable, political discourse between those with differing opinions has become so rare as to seem mythological. It is deeply appreciated.

Actually most 1 percenters didn’t work their asses off. It was handed to them on a silver platter. Donald Trump never worked a day in his life. He got handed everything by his father Fred. Do you think Donald Jr, Eric, and Ivanka ever worked? 99.9 percent doubtful. David and Charles Koch never worked their asses

Oh my god yesssss

Well, we probably disagree on a lot of social and economic issues, but I respect the fact that you see Trump for what he truly is—a dangerous demagogue riding the wave of anti-Obama racism. I hope Trump doesn’t win. :(

THANK YOU for that reasoned response! Honestly, I personally disagree with about 95% of what you said regarding economics and the 1%, BUT we do both agree that religion has no place in politics, and you seem to at least be intelligent enough not to drink the conspiracy theory Kool-Aid. (And I mean that in general. The

Yes? Where do you hide it?

He won’t. He’s a dick.

He’s probably bitter that your username isn’t ‘Crunch-Sandwiches’

They live in Ohio, so “Yes” and “No”

That’s so very progressive liberal of you.

The comments on that post slay me every time

If you were expecting him to wreck you would be mistaken. Usually a Bear only eats it when it is a monkey on a bike.

You root for your undergrad school.