Jez ain’t big on that proof reading heheh.
Jez ain’t big on that proof reading heheh.
It must be bad when even the judge is fleeing the country.
They have no idea what they are doing they have no idea what they are doing they have no idea what they are doing they have no idea what they are doing
OT: There is a Whitehouse dot gov petition to have President Obama exercise his independent constitutional right to appoint Supreme Court Justice Merrick Garland because Senate has waived rights.
We were totally undeserving of Obama, while Trump is exactly what this country fucking deserves.
Gather round, ghoulies, ghosties, and goblins. It’s time for what is both the best and most dreaded time of the…
Jesus, please don't do that.
Sandy Hook really was a tipping point. At the time, my position was that we need to decide, as a nation, whether were going to do something about guns and gun violence in this country, or whether we were going to accept this reality as the cost of our “freedoms.”
Not enough people are talking about the significance of Serena, Amandla, Quvenzhane, and Zendaya’s cameos.
Ladies and gents: I’ve been here at Jezebel for a loooooooong time now and I would like to welcome you all to Jezebel Wedding Bingo. Here are some of your squares
-City hall
-Simple dinner with friends
-Marriage is pointless and sexist
-Engagement rings are sexist
-Wedding dresses are sexist
-Choosing to take your husband’s…
just stopping by to say RIP i thee dread
When wedding season is over this October, we will have attended 26 weddings over 3 years, including our own this coming September. Scattered throughout the country or in Hawaii, only 4 of which is our hometown. my fiance has been MOH 4x, and bridesmaid 3 other times; I have been groomsman 3x. I’m done with it all. I…
The headline in the NY Post would read “Van Veen Vexes Vogue Vamp”
I’m 4 years older than this writer and I cannot connect with any of this. I think there is a big difference between millennials born in the ‘80s and those born in the ‘90s. My brother and I have such different world outlooks.
I think I’d rather do a critical analysis of Finnegan’s Wake.
Earlier this evening, I read an article about how it’s awful to work with people my age, because we’re… something. It was unclear
You’re not just thinning the value of something you’ve already got by applying it too often and too far, which is currently the case across the temporal board.