
Fast forward to next year when the Snyder Cut ends up costing much more than planned and drawing way less interest and this trend will be dead.

Never go full Snyder. 

From what I understand, it’s because the people clamoring for the Snyder cut actually like Man of Steel and B v. S, or at least will die on the hill that they’re “edgier” and “more adult” than Disney’s Marvel’s Avengers.   These people are fools.

I think the very best thing that DC could do for it’s movie universe is set behind everything Snyder and start from scratch.  

I want a new Silent Hill but I don't want to have to play a game I don't like one bit to get a thin facsimile of Silent Hill. The wait continues. 

I liked it too. I think it’s one of the biggest video game movies personally.

I liked the movie, hope that doesn't make me a bad person.

The G part is so much more polished compared to 3/NV is what keeps me stuck on 4. But the RP part feels almost non existant by comparison...

These things never tend to get finished, sadly.

I have operated under the theory that The Road Warrior, Beyond Thunderdome, and Fury Road are all the same story, told from different perspectives and at a temporal remove from the events in question, by people who may or may not have been present during the events. Sort of like the Gospels.

In McCoy’s defense, though, it’s extra to the point of being exhausting.

Mad Max was never a woman, he was a character in a movie series. In Fury Road he shared the lead with a female bad ass named Furiosa. Max was the lead character in the previous films. A sequel to Fury Road based on Furiosa doesn’t even need “Max” in the title.

Well, if you take the plot synopsis as “Aliens show up on Earth in 18-mile-wide starships and blow up the White House, but later turn out to be hostile”, it’s a much more entertaining movie.

Looks like it’s limited to movies/tv, but I wouldn’t mind having the Asari or the Salarians from Mass Effect series abduct me.  They seem like they have the best societies, though the Salarians seem to have some problematic things going on.

What, no Asgard? I would rather be abducted by them than any Time Lord. I personally don’t enjoy being talked down to by a race that can’t even keep their own shit in order.

To be fair not everyone is into oviposition

He’s still there but it’s weirdly first person this time.

Couldn’t she save Anakin from a terrible choice, if only she were there to understand what he’s going through, a point she makes clear to Obi-Wan when she learns of Anakin’s task to spy on Palpatine?“

There’s a very contrarian bent when it comes to Star Wars in certain places, especially here.

Star Wars films can never be accused of being great art, but they shouldn’t be boring. TLJ was dull as hell.

Hell, The Last Jedi was one of the best things to happen to this series in decades and people are still arguing about how it was actually bad.