Any time I read anything about bathroom policing I get that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach because I am preparing to read about an act of violence perpetuated against an LGBT person. It’s just a matter of time before it happens and it makes national news.
She is kicking late night ass. I love when she just goes off on something and doesn’t care what she says. TBS must be elated that they signed her. And I read they just asked for additional episodes, more than the original buy.
Did you see the bit on Full Frontal where Sam showed Cruz talking about the trans gender bathroom issues and of course he supports the birth certificate bathroom law “because he has two young daughters and doesn’t want to think about some man stalking in the bathrooms and doing God knows what”.
True, but coming from the former Speaker of the House, a staunch republican leader, and scourge of progress everywhere this is sweet, sweet music. He’s a few sentences away from saying aloud his party is fucked and they fucked up in giving people like Cruz a platform. It’s like the sound of a huge implosion and angels…
It's actually a little bit amazing that a person can be so vile that no one likes him. Even Donald Trump has friends, Ted Cruz has none
he is “texting buddies” with Donald Trump
In all seriousness though, if anyone votes for this that didn’t vote for the Paycheck Fairness act, they can fuck right off.
What’s next? Having to hold open our own doors? Pay for our own meals?????
Oh damn it. Good thing I’m in the grays here because it’s basically just a repeat of your comment.
It’s cool and shady at the same time. She’s the best!
“That hasn’t happened in quite some time,” Ginsburg responded
YES! That lawyer was bad news. Just pick yourself up, Kesha et al - dust yourself off, and call Gloria Allred already.
The narrative of the shrill, “dramatic,” slightly unhinged woman is so pervasive that the media tries to shoe-horn any woman who dares show a shred of disappointment or annoyance even for a perfectly understandable reason.
I would like for people, esp. other people of color, to stop acting as if black people are in this privileged position where everybody takes our concerns more seriously than they take the concerns of other marginalized groups.
The last thing I remember about them is that time they got particularly pissed off at Paul Ryan for citing them as an influence when he was running for VP.