cruisin' b. anthony

they were prob fired because they have tacos, not bro-ritos.

I get so mad about “sorry, I’m taken” being the only safe response. Honestly, whether I’m attached or not is completely irrelevant if I’m not interested in you. But, I have single girlfriends who wear fake engagement rings on occasion, because it’s easier and safer than saying “no thanks”.

“Why can’t women just be direct and honest if they don’t want to go out with you?!”

Fast, relatively inexpensive food made with natural ingredients in a standardized but customizable way in locations close to colleges and major attractions in nearly every city and village in America.

I like that it is customizeable and that they have vegetarian beans and brown rice as options. I like that if you order a vegetarian item, they waive the $2 charge for guacamole. I know the portion sizes are ridicuous, but I think that depending on what you order, it can be much less heavy/greasy than a real Mexican

She was probably asking for it. I mean, she left the house with her face exposed. HER FACE! You don’t show your face unless you want it to be ejaculated upon.

Women will complain about anything these days. It’s like, if you don’t want to have your face ejaculated on, don’t injure your shoulder...seems pretty simple to me.

jesus fucking christ. that poor girl.

Perfect pic is perfect. My exact reaction.

so rude. i got mike huckabee playing bass.

hey we didn’t get Trump......

Same. I mean WTF? I was so much cooler in the 90's than this asshat.

Hillary Clinton using a sewing machine.

Result: Confused Bernie Sanders

The family gathers to reminisce on the George W. Bush administration.

And such a horrendous violation of her privacy! “Here, let’s show the world where she lives, that seems like something people need to know for safety reasons...”

Huzzah for the parents.

It’s not up to you to have any feelings about it whatsoever.