cruisin' b. anthony

to be truthful: ambivalence, pregnancy phobia and a deep love of being irresponsible for hours on end may actually be the main players

Attention, parents of millennials (or tail-end gen x-ers as it were): nobody can effing afford anything-weddings, babies, rent, food... Help out with all those labor rights you worked on rolling back and then we can talk. Maybe. “Finally” got married to LT partner at 33, very low-key deal, and still have not produced

You know I was just saying that if Janet decided to come back, all these mediocre girls needed to strap in because she will slay

Fuck Jeb Bush. He’s too stupid to even learn from what mental midget Mike Pence learned from his little debacle in the RFRA shit storm in Indiana.

(T)Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

You’ll be finding that desert sand everywhere for weeks.

When nobody should care in 2015 and her private life is nobody’s business, then why does she feel the need to clarify?

some friends who were not Kesha fans got to hang out with her at a club in Sydney and are now avid fans because she’s such an awesome person. so there’s that.

I saw her at the Kibitz Room a couple years ago. She bought the whole bar a round of drinks. She was super chill and was just there to have a good time. I adore her <3

Same!!! I have never heard any of her songs but I like her manner. And the whole “puking in Paris Hilton’s wardrobe” thing.

I fucking love Kesha, and I’ll shout it from the rooftops. Saw her in concert in 2011 and it was such a fun, energetic show. I didn’t even care that I was twice the age as most of the people there.

I am so happy that she’s in a better place. I am so sad that criticism, and the way in which she was expected to look, drove her to that bad place. I don’t know why this happened, or when it did, but this way in which being thin is the “Default” mode for prettiness in society needs to stop. It just creates an

I fucking love Kesha. I can’t ever imagine actually wanting to be covered in glitter, but damn do I love her.

For $10k I’d better come out looking like Beyonce. And I am white.

That really sucks for her. That being said, those photos for $10k? Girl you got scammed.


Do they ever go out of town? Even to visit relatives? I don't care how old you need to housesit and throw a motherfucking party!

“So: what totally frivolous item would you buy if you suddenly became filthy rich? “

So my parents bought their retirement home from a wealthy, childless gay couple. Y’all, this spot is wall-to-wall party showers. We’re talking minimum 25 square feet in the smallest one with 3 shower heads, and the master bedroom with, no fucking shit, 12 heads total and enough room to comfortably fit at least 10-15

Lakes are well known for attacking unsuspecting people, who are just driving around, minding their own business. You don’t have that kind of problem with ponds or rivers so much, but, damn, those lakes’ll get ya.