
Leading causes of death in Russia (per capita):

What a bunch of Dombasses.

In Soviet Russia, joke laughs at you!

Ultras gonna Ultra.

Maybe it's like the showers from Starship Troopers.

I dunno i get it tho

... isn’t $1375 for your own room with facilities actually a pretty great deal in New York City these days? Maybe it’s not on Manhattan proper.

I’d still rather watch that than golf.

It costs me $50 a year to play in my co-ed rec kick ball league. So as a fellow athlete I understand Kaepernick’s frustrations.

This has to top the “Best sports stories written by women in 2016"

Also, it’s her eggo and his spermo?

“North America” I do not think this means what you think it means

sure there is...

The shipbuilding in Russia is characterized by a glacial decision making process. So if they build similar ships it will take like a decade, most time spend on finalizing plans or making mid-course corrections.

*with russians accent*"Comrade, We have problem to solve!"

Ural so butthurt over this.

Man I can't wait to see the dash cam video of that argument

Russian dudes are always threatening to kill people- It's nothing to worry about though- they only follow through about half the time...