Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. Nothing about it should’ve worked for me on paper.
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. Nothing about it should’ve worked for me on paper.
I love that elderly Russian staff woman. Way to go Nonna!
I had no opinion of her before but after spending 10-15 minutes on her blog I now think she could vie for the title of Worst Celebrity Offspring, and lord knows it's tough competition.
Ok obviously sexting the boss was entirely inappropriate, but calling your husband a LEGEND because he recorded the firing of her? And then listening to it with all of your girlfriends? That’s kind of just immature and cruel and unnecessary, grow up, you fired her and ended the situation, the humiliation isn't really…
At this point, I honestly think the strategy is to drag things out to the point where Cosby dies before going to trial, not to actually win. Or at least before the verdict is read. He’s so old that he could pass away literally any day, and this trial could be extended to *years* due to the appeals. If he dies before…
As a black woman, the fights over Barbies being too thin was one of the things that turned me off a lot of mainstream feminism. I had plenty of black Barbies so white Barbies never fazed me anyway. Like you never hear mainstream white feminists talk about racist medical treatments that have dire effects on black and…
I like her and her brand of showladyship. She does not fuck around with an audience’s expectations. Wish she’d switch to fake fur though. It’s not like you can tell the difference.
One of the most brutal fat haters I’ve ever known and the object of her hatred was my hungry Weight Watchers “success story” boss — and the fat co-worker we had who ate cheeseburgers with abandon and dgaf.
Why can’t the nerds fuck after seeing Star War
Thank you for expressing what so many of us were no doubt thinking.
I tend to assume most makeup/face stuff is 95% snake oil, 5% science, and there’s very little chance for the layperson to know the difference.
Two hours is too long and two dollars is ridiculous, but I like the saying.
The one, and only, time I went to an Ulta was in winter. It was really cold and windy. A woman who worked there walked up to me right after I had entered the store telling me about all these products I should buy for my sensitive skin. Then told me how bad my skin must be for how red it was. She was rude and stupid,…
Ulta has been getting more of my money since Sephora stopped carrying DevaCurl. I do like Ulta’s layout and product variety but the salespeople are too damn aggressive, I don’t need your help to swatch eyeliner.
I don't like any of these :( I like pointy toed flats.
I don't like any of these :( I like pointy toed flats.
One thing I will say about the Born flats — they used to be a LOT better. My last two pairs fell apart in less than a year each. I also think the soles have gotten thinner — my first three pairs had more cushion and thicker rubber on the bottom, where the last two (the ones that fell apart) were lacking.
One thing I will say about the Born flats — they used to be a LOT better. My last two pairs fell apart in less than…