
Yo, who let the troll out of the grays?

It’s always funny to watch people who are normally “yay capitalism!” see black people engaging with capitalism and are suddenly like “oh the horror!”

They may not be able to “fire” a franchise owner, but all companies that have franchises have rules in place that the franchises have to follow or have their franchise licensing pulled. Basically they could just say the owner doesn’t own a BWW anymore. 

Again, you are treating religion as a monolith. When it is actually just as sectarian as secularism. For instance, you mention Christianity and the Bible. But the Bible has many translations, with many different interpretations spawned from each of those translations. Christianity can be Catholicism, Orthodox, or

Hey, no problem. And yeah, do you. “Faith” doesn’t have to be religious, or even spiritual. Really, faith is just another word for trust. And life often requires us to just leap, unsure of how or where or on what we are going to land. So all the best to you as you take those leaps. 

So, there’s some pretty serious false assumptions here, and from those assumptions an uneven application of definitions.

People can be shitty. Religious or otherwise. There is PLENTY of secular violence throughout history. Science supported/justified racism alongside (not because of) religion. Pol Pot didn’t massacre 1.5 million Cambodians because of his religious beliefs. Hitler utilized religion to justify the holocaust, he also used

It depends. For me I guess I would say that it’s the constant work of prayer/reflection and contrition. It’s a bit hard for me because I’m kind of in this weird place where I’m not sure I ascribe to Protestant ideology, but I’m not yet sure I want to convert to Catholicism. And what this means is a little different

Yeah. Early ascetic Protestantism wasn’t really about worldly riches. This is still pre Industrial Age, where the bulk of society was still agrarian. So, and this is my understanding as someone who is far from an expert on the topic, prosperity for early Protestants was a good harvest.

I mean, it kind of makes sense if you look at its genealogy. Ascetic Protestantism is based on the idea that prosperity=God’s favor. Though asceticism then was more about how God would reward you for your hard work. Max Weber writes extensively about asceticism in Christianity in his book the Protestant Ethic.

Yeah, I mean this is a guy who once boasted about how he doesn’t read books. 

Thank you. 

Yeah, there’s A LOT of black music that incorporates (or is) gospel. Marvin Gaye’s rendition of “His Eye is on the Sparrow” and Leon Bridge’s “River” takes me to church every damn time.

Had to Star that for the literal lol. Thank you. 

Oh man, I just started a Boondocks rewatch yesterday. One of my favorite lines: “I’m gonna go find a white person to lie to right now.”

Give young people all the money. They’ll spend it. The economy will grow more robust. It’s certainly better than giving it to the crusty old white dude who’ll just stuff it under his 32 goose feather mattresses. 

Too good of an impression. Too much pressure. Also guarantees they’ll take all the candy. And the best part of Halloween is all the leftover candy I get to eat. 

Yeah, turns out all social structures perpetuate humanity. The beautiful and the terrible. Faith is what you make of it. Religion is how you wield it. I always try to make this point when people lump all of religion in with the religious right. Yeah, it can be oppressive. So can many secular institutions. But it can

Find good mentors. Not the prosperity gospel reverends that his album and recent actions suggest he’s surrounding himself with. 

I’ve never really ascribed to the perspective of Kanye. I mean, maybe his life really is just one fantastic act. It probably is. But I’m not convinced that he knows it is an act.