
First guy: take an intro to sociology class.


Typically interpreters don’t sign every word to the song, but rather the meaning behind the words (in fact, signing literally can be very confusing, especially when it comes to figurative speech). So this can shorten up their sentences (assuming they’re interpreting in ASL and not SEE). But I’m not taking anything

It doesn’t. It’s all holdovers from older dress code policies, probably related to punk counter culture. 

But the HBCUS! Black unemployment! Kanye!

Honestly surprised it wasn’t Betty herself that came up with this. It’s totally her kind of humor. 

So you’re only more free when someone tells you what you can’t do?

Good with taking Nikki out. But I’d leave Lauryn where she’s at and put Missy in at Nikki’s spot. Missy may not be the strongest rapper, but she’s revolutionized the way hip hop music videos are made. 

He’s just pissed cos they never let him hang out on the stoop. 

Let’s talk about the disingenuous comments from Bennet and Biden on healthcare and immigration. They know that any tax raise for healthcare is more than offset by the reduced cost of care. They also both (I hope) know there is a huge difference between decriminalizing illegal entry open borders.

Steve Bullock is an idiot. His comments about how he wouldn’t take a preemptive nuclear strike off the table were just dumb and nonsensical, and Warren rightly called him on it. Just her face when he made those comments was exactly what all of our faces should have been. 

Some of y’all are serious mental gymnasts. I would NEVER touch a woman’s tattoo (regardless of placement) unless I was dating that woman and it was part of consensual foreplay.

People who make money off him are impartial?

How often do you go around touching women’s tattoos? Seriously, I’ve never known a single person who does that who doesn’t think they’re smoothly hitting on the woman (fair warning: it’s not smooth). Come on now, let’s not contort ourselves too much to make excuses for our “heroes”.

The overwhelming majority of accusations are true though. That’s just objective fact. So I mean, yeah, I’m cool with believing women until they give me a very very good reason not to. 

Found it boring. And All Day Long just sounds like a hot mess to me. 

What’s funny about all of this is that they’re licking the boots of a guy who constantly and, most importantly, PUBLICLY bashes American cities and states. The entire city of Baltimore just called him out for it.

I’ve only watched a couple of episodes but it’s pretty bad. Olivia Munn’s character is terrible and unnecessary, they seem to be following all into all the traps of amnesiac characters that the book so elegantly avoids, there isn’t nearly the same level of suspense and mystery, most of the acting is subpar (with the

This is the reality of the new enlightenment. Every bit of information that can be collected will be collected. It’s the dangerous underbelly of technological innovation and the rise of big data. 

Come on, y’all know you laughed at them taking a bucket of water so serious.