
“There are people who believe that Trump’s job title means that it would be more disrespectful for him not to attend the museum opening; Lumumba is not one of those people, calling Trump’s presence “ill-considered” in light of his demonstrably racist, anti-Black administration.”

This reminds me of the weird Brendan Fraser baseball movie from years ago, where he proves that not only can he pitch insanely well, but he can hit dingers all day long, and for some inexplicable reason he went to the Yankees, where he’d never need to hit. 

I thought that comment from Franken was really classless, and emblematic of why even liberal allies are problematic as fuck.

Wait. Does it have to be right over left? Or does left over right acceptable as well? Left-footed minds would like to know.

Why isn’t anyone in the show at least starting to become concerned that Andy is gonna go full super villain at some point. He constantly is saying shit that should at least make someone raise an eyebrow. This week he said he enjoyed tearing things apart. Like, dad didn’t think maybe that was a moment to have a talk?

I’ve been freaking out about this since last night when someone pointed it out in the tax plan. I’m planning on applying to grad schools next year, and I’m already freaking out about what program and where. Now I have to worry about how it will affect my taxes.

It’s basically the exact same tactic they use on the city of Anaheim, that the original LA Times article points out.


Should be at least A&B charges. She endangered Jazzy’s health and safety. Jazzy already got a throat infection, and could have gotten a lot worse.

I’ve always hated this argument. Why should it be on the MLB if he were to be suspended for the series? Why is that baseball’s fault and not his? It’s his immediate actions that resulted in the punishment.

I don’t say “bless you.” If I’m in the mood I may half heartedly sign it in ASL, but I don’t like saying it.

Question. How long after he sent that text was it before she saw it? Because there doesn’t seem to be a response from the other person in those messages. Personally if I was talking to an employee via text who was on their way to a job, and they said something like that, I’d call them off and send someone else. It

There’s a book called White Savior Films that talks a lot about how movie producers insist on having a white character to make a movie more marketable.

I’ve seen a ton of comments on Facebook with people saying she lied, she’s just trying to get paid, she’s a “thot” ... all that garbage. It’s really gross and sad how quickly people are jumping to demonize her. It’d have been worse if she had continued with the case. And that’s just terrible.

these kinja

Here’s a link:

This is the PD that put out all those videos about how they retrained their police officers, and touting about how they went so long without killing folk. Had a video of taking down a knife wielding guy without using deadly force and everything. And the guy in that video was a lot closer to them, facing them, and

My ex use to tell me she understood what it was like for me to be a single parent, because she had HER DOG. Damn near broke up with her right that second (broke up with her later, had a delayed response, possibly due to thinking no one could be THAT ridiculous ... I’m naive sometimes).

Umm ... I think Hillary is super racist too? I’m saying both are racist, and liberalism in general is racist af, it just doesn’t get dinged for it as much because it pays lip service to race issues. But I’m talking about Bernie because his supporters think that because he mentions school-to-prison pipelines, or police

My biggest problem with Bernie was how he’d pay lip service to race and women issues, but if you really paid attention to everything he says and does, those issues are backseat to his economic agenda.