My paternal grandfather looked like Hitler ...
My paternal grandfather looked like Hitler ...
Ooo ... Thanks for the new GIF!
I'm 32, single parent going back to community college so I can stop working dead end jobs. My problem is that all the women at my school are far too young, I can't regularly hit social events because ... kid. I live in an area that's prominent population is old and gay people (I WISH I was gay, dating would be so much…
This girl I was dating found out her ex had cheated on her when she gave me herpes that her ex had gotten from his fiancé he supposedly met after her.
Your FB post notes that they thought the kids were 18 "(legal for cocaine)" ... Am I missing something here or are you saying it is somehow legal for adults to do coke (and that I am somehow not aware of this incredibly important fact)????
This is stupid and terrible. But man I want that menu right now.
"If the movie had been directed by a 60-year-old white male, I don't think that people would have been carrying on about it to the level that they were."
I've never tried the tucked in and the fake knot, unfortunately it is getting too hot now to rock scarves (down side to living in the desert).
Come on, every once and a while you have to play hooky. It's an important life lesson.
"Throbbing knob" doesn't really sound all that complimentary to me. I mean sure knobs have width, but certainly at the expense of depth. Plus they're shaped kinda funny.
i was actually pleasantly surprised by 47 passing. I figured people would strike it down for not being "tough on crime."
No, economics is confusing. It makes no damned sense. All I got from my macroeconomics class is that no one really understands it, and economists are mostly just hazarding guesses.
here's another quote from this "genius":
well, without giving too much away, I would think it would be pretty hard to make this scene "titillating" if they are going off the book. It's not really a sexy scene.
Tiffany & Co has fantastic discounts for employees, as well as good pay and benefits. Also they have discount agreements with various other retailers as well.
I can see what you are saying. Kids spell based on association. If he was spelling "semen" phonetically he'd likely have spelled it "seemen".
unfortunately I was pretty much the only one to firmly call it out. Another guy said it was pretty forward, but then hedged the statement with "lol".
I'm sorry. Honestly, I'm sorry that guys actually do that. And I'm sorry it happened to your friend.
well I guess he wasn't forcing her to cheat as well! Ugh. Videos like that are why I hate people.
I've dated two girls who were both raped because some asshat got them drunk. Both were too scared to tell their parents (one of whom's father was the chief of police). The other reported it to the police, went through a grueling reporting process, and all that happened was the police ruled that "sex happened" and…