I’d bet the reason for the hardline stance is that a cashier is probably on the 5th person that day wearing earpods, and if the customer with headphones asks for the cashier to repeat something...
I’d bet the reason for the hardline stance is that a cashier is probably on the 5th person that day wearing earpods, and if the customer with headphones asks for the cashier to repeat something...
Yes! If someone is empathetic enough to understand that it would be hard for Vanessa Bryant or her kids to have Kobe’s rape trial rehashed right now ... surely they’re also empathetic enough to understand that it would be hard for any sexual assault victims (but especially Kobe’s!) to read these fawning posts that…
I’m not shopping a place that profits on low wages and absurd working condi....oh wait
As a black man, I have to swallow plenty of razor blades as a drive by a mountain with three slave and black female rape apologists etched into it, an avowed bigot memorialized with a statue down Peachtree Street, hundreds of monuments to similar monsters, etc while being presided over by a man who admitted to sexual…
It’s insane how far we’ve fallen. Obama had to distance himself from Reverend Wright due to a few sermons and we’ve got this woman actively and openly grifting and yelling nonsense and everything’s ignored because it can’t even register on the scandals of the weeks.
$86K seems a bit low for what is, essentially, a 24/7 on-call job.
The problem is it’s hard to easily tell exactly who he’s satirizing, which makes the whole thing pointless.
If it’s not actual menstrual blood (which depending on the day can occasionally be gross to me at least), who cares? We see blood all over television, why not a tampon ad?
Conversely, you could just do as Salty suggests and wait for the server to take care of it. You don’t “need” your flatware and stuff until you’ve gotten your food, and when you first get there you haven’t even ordered yet. So I think I’m going back on my initial reaction and saying “Just relax. Mention the issue when…
My older brother says it'll look a little smaller when the bush fills in.
I would dig that building if the eyeballs spun around and the beak opened and closed. Throw in a loudspeaker so it could crow at noon.
Hopefully it will serve chicken and eggs, which some comedian once described as not a meal but a vendetta.
I have way, WAY less if an issue with ambient restaurant noise, like plates and people talking, and far more of an issue with restaurants that blast music at a volume where it’s hard to hear someone sitting across from you.
Ya’ll are fucking nuts.
No, if you make a reservation of this sort, there is usually a late cancelation fee. But you usually have until at least 24 hours before to cancel.
It’s a quesadilla at that point
They already have cinnamon twists bro.
This is true, BUT, hear me out. You’re already dipping the fries in nacho cheese. The Cool Ranch flavor would give some dimension and depth to the fries, instead of just nacho on nacho on nacho.