It’s INCREDIBLY off-putting how quickly he goes into marketing mode. Immediate. Unfliching. “Your question is irrelevant as long as people consume our product.” It’s almost robotic, like Mustard Mags is a plucky, rebellious community servant and Zach ‘N Cheese is her corporate robot guardian.
HAAA! I thought the same damn thing about Zach.
Zac n Cheese is angling for a pre-COVID Apocalypse career in politics. Those weasel words will not fly in this time of necessary action.
Au contraire! Ketchup must be disparaged where ever it is mentioned. All joking aside, it is the one food I really can’t stomach. I don’t think it’s superiority. The stuff just makes me gag.
See, I was going to say that based on the photo of the unmixed sauce there was clearly some mayonnaise in there. But then I reread the list and there were no mayo packets listed. So now all I want to know is what the Hell is that white globby shit?
Could be an annual event that tracks how your takeout choices have evolved.
And you didn’t ask either of them if a Hit Dog was a sandwich?
I’ve never seen this before. Why am I so certain it’s from Conan?
The 2 are complimentary. Amber is a glorious goddess of insightful wit and captivating charm and Drew is sunshine riding a rainbow moonbeam of love, soooo... I love them both!
Great, thanks Drew Barrymore, for helping to reinforce everyone’s incorrect assumption that SSRIs “numb” you and actually make you unaware of reality. If she actually took Lexapro, there’s no way she’d describe it that way. And now there’s even more people I’m gonna have to convince that just because I’m on an SSRI…
I have never watched Drew’s show, and I’m kinda ‘mkay’ with her performances to date. But she seems to be Jezebel’s latest darling. I did watch a montage of clips from her show. Who she reminds me of most? Lucille Ball. And that’s ok with me. Women do NOT get to act like fun-loving kids when they grow up, unlike men…
You know you're just asking for it, right?
The olive oil would have floated to the top, sealing the wine from the air. Pretty clever hack for a time that didn’t have nitrogen sealing. Presumably you’d have to carefully decant it to remove any oil from the wine when consumed.
Don’t make me choose
I remember a few years ago, I had a mother tell me her child tripped and fell in the flower bed in front of my house. I asked if the kid was okay, and she said “that’s not the point”. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯