
As a motorcyclist, anything else that takes a cager’s eyes off the road is a bad thing.  Smart phones are bad enough, but adding touch screens to a car?   Who thought that was a good idea?

You say it is the worst, but 10 year old me says it is the best.   Pick the car with nearly the best acceleration, and beat your friends nearly every time.

Perhaps the 2nd best video game trailer of all time. This is the first, IMHO.

I bought a ZX-14, in part, due to the reputation of Hayabusa owners. I wanted to replace my VFR800 with something just as comfortable, but with twice the power. As someone who spent 30+ years on literbikes, I missed the power, and my VFR just did not deliver.

Over played?  Perhaps.  But the only reason I have not painted my Accord in Gulf livery is *effort.

From the link pic, I thought it was David Hogg.   Yet another person who needs to go away.

I was stationed in SoCal, then moved to the Bay Area after I got out. Check local motorcycle forums for the best riding roads in the area.

No worries, mate. I assumed something like that. Just glad to see someone else misread something.

You are just a bit older than me then.  I joined the Corps that year.  I did set foot on her once.  A buddy of mine had a school friend on her, we went to go get him at NAS North Island one day in ‘87 or so.   Big boat to drive up to, but you knew that already.

That is why commented. We agree on the temp scales comparative accuracy. Not that agreement matters in talking of empirical measurements.

A few years ago, I worked with a guy who also served on the Enterprise in the 80s. He was still very proud of that ship, even though he had been out for years.

Ah, but Celcius/Kelvin is a less accurate scale, when using whole units. Since each degree of C is 1.8 of Farenheit, then it is less accurate.

I get your point, but heel-toeing a good gearbox and nailing upshifts on the drive out of a corner is one of life’s great pleasures. It isn’t always about being a “great gearbox”, or even about a flappy paddle setup being more efficient.

♫It’s the first Chevy of the 80's....

Nice. Sounds like a keeper, to me.

Yes. To me. What year?

We had one recently at my work. Red, too. A well maintained unicorn.

As an owner of multiple firearms and a ZX14R, I say yes.

As a ZX14R owner, I feel the pain. But, I console myself with knowing that while 99% of the time, I could do better on a 250 Ninja, that last little sliver of time is why I put up with unwanted police attention, bad fuel economy, and duechebags trying to race. That last little bit of fun makes all the bad stuff worth

Would not that be up to the Russians? Not saying I would agree with it, but it is their town.