Especially if shitbox is written in the same script and color as the FedEx logo.
Especially if shitbox is written in the same script and color as the FedEx logo.
the shitbox delivers
I always wonder about those conspiracy theorists who insist the government has some grand scheme afoot or is capable of massive operations.
Buddy, come on, the Secret Service has never been competent.
When in the history of the internet was Jalopnik ever a straight news site?
What is an opinion like this doing on an automotive website? Will Elon Musk and the Republicans get a chance to reply on Jalopnik? That was ugly, you could do better.
How DARE you put anything European in here? Each of those three is guaranteed to blow a hole in your budget within six months. If this was a satire or some kind of joke, OK. But people who know nothing about these cash eaters are reading this and think that one of them could be a good idea. Here’s a tip to them...they…
The current generation is certainly the purest distillation of I-didn’t-get-attention-in-high-school found in any Corvette.
I would not classify an Audi of this generation as a good value. Nice car, sure, but good value: no. They are expensive to repair, finding parts is getting difficult, and even finding competent people who will work on them is getting hard, my local places have 5-7 week wait times. You can pick these up cheap because…
Why are there 4 ad breaks in a 2 minute video?
Got 1 min into the video and had to watch 20 second ad then a 2 minute ad. WTF is happening? Can't even finish the video, yay? Ad revenue?
Ads every 10 seconds?
Why doesn't anyone address the elephant in the room because clearly the problem with Nissan is Renault's control over the company. Renault's water down the brand to prioritize profits rather than quality
I’ve got a good one where I was both the instigator and 100% at fault. Let me explain...
For starters, I was 16 and had been driving for less than a year. I was a real shitass kid. Not only was I one of those little fucks that think they’re the paragon of wisdom and righteousness at 16, but I was also someone who…
He’s also Elon Musk, Dick Cheney and a stripper name Tanya who dances at a club jut outside Tulsa on Tuesday and Thursday.
Jar Jar Binks is not only a Sith Lord he was also the Stig?!? I did NOT see that coming.
Schumacher drove because Ferrari wouldn’t let anyone else drive the FXX. The Telegraph reported the next day that a Top Gear spokesman confirmed Schumacher had played the Stig, due to Ferrari only allowing Schumacher to drive the FXX
If you only ever drive from home to work and back, then an EV could be great - more power to you. That is not my use case for any of my cars. I have no interest in worrying about keeping a battery charged “properly” when I am driving around the country.
Enjoying cars that aren’t some sort of video game on wheels. Obviously.