Crow's Newer Hair

It wasn’t that long ago that Reasonable Discussions would have 200 comments in an hour.

Oh, great! This is just great! Now where will I go to hear live sasquatch music?

That was long ago, before the Kinjaing. A time when commenters ran wild and free. A user friendly interface ruled the land, and you did not have to worry about accidentally posting to the wrong article.

Well, they do say ‘write what you know.’

“Good.” --Joel Hodgson

Well this is only AV Club in name, so it makes since that truces on dead sites are dead.

Remember when we complained that Disqus was terrible? Pepperidge Farm remembers!

I didn’t understand any of this. So Tarquin Fin-Tim-Lin-Bin-Whin-Bim-Lim Bus Stop F’tang F’tang Olé Biscuit Barrel Wolfhard is a sex pervert?

and honestly, his straight-up song parodies are generally his least-interesting output. His style parodies are great because he basically manages to blend a couple songs of the artist he’s parodying and write a solid song around that; “Dog Eat Dog” is a fantastic Talking Heads pastiche, and “Dare to Be Stupid” is a

I feel like we’re all being duped. Talking and texting at the theater is fucked up and rude. But this is just about watching movies at home. That’s completely different. Who gives a shit? If you want to watch a movie and take in all the nuance, watch it by yourself.

Good news! It was canceled a week ago (so they’re just running out the season). I’m not sure what the point of this story is.

Her style of comedy seems just as hacky as the worst “shock comedians” out there, just in the opposite way... Pretty much every clip I’ve seen of her stand-up is basically just her smugly telling largely joke-free anecdotes about encountering people that aren’t as progressive as she is. It’s just preaching to the

Also, DS9 had great affection for the ideas of trek. There is literally an episode where they visit an original episode of trek and splice in the new crew into old footage. They brought over THREE one time guest stars on TOS to guest star. They went back to the mirror universe.

Ds9 loved Trek. They loved it enough to

I know your type very well

-Low quality

Perhaps it’s the show’s obvious shame and self-loathing at all the things that people like about Star Trek? That’s what it is for me.

Think io9 would yank charles pulliam-moores posts if we made up some unsubstantiated accusations? Here, i’ll start, i have it on good authority from several farm animals that charles secretly molested when they were mere lambs. Anyone else have anything?

“Harmon is in great spirits”

Alden, I’d like to introduce you to Jai Courtney, Sam Worthington, and Gerard Butler.

You shouldn’t compare ST:D to DS9. It’s like comparing a week-old hamburger from McDonalds to a Double-Double Animal Style from In-N-Out.