Crow's Newer Hair

You and me and seven well-behaved dogs could win 90+ in the early 2000's AL Central

One more thing, Pika pi

Many more thunderstorms in St. Pete than in DC.

Now playing

I know MST3K fans are hardcore, but this is a little out of hand.

I get that some of the downvoting is definitely butthurt morons who hate that there are lady Ghostbusters however, that trailer is terrible. Like really really terrible. If I voted on Youtube videos, I’d downvote the shit out of it too. I like the idea of the film but watching the trailer was super disappointing.

Tampa Bay is not a city.

OH shut the fuck up. Jesus, do you people get up in the morning thinking “how can I make this ugly racial”.

In the spirit of Lance Berkman’s fight against tolerance: Fuck you, asshole.

So you are fine with people not being decent to other humans and discriminating against them?

This must be what it was like for the guys at MST 3000.

“OK, Roman from Little Itlee, ga’hed”
“This is fargin’ war.”
“Ya waited a owah ta say that?”

This is among the stupidest fucking things I have ever read. You should be ashamed for having written it, and if your parents are still alive you should apologize to them. You should also be questioning all of the life choices that led you to the moment where you wrote that nonsense and hit publish. And no one gives a

Exactly. Harper can be an unthinking douche, and if he were to throw down a “it’s him or me” ultimatum it could come across as narcissism given that history.

Where are all the douchebags complaining about how violent this sport is? A guy gets hit in the head in football and the worst thing to ever happen in sports history. That guy got horse kicked in the fucking head, followed up by a knee to the head......THEN PUNCHED IN THE HEAD, and everyone is cheering.

It’s just so frustrating. At this point, it’s going to take an alien invasion - like actual hostile space aliens - to bring us together as a species. Ridiculous but true.

Maybe they’re booing their front office for taking a QB that doesn’t have the decision making capability to avoid making a public and allegedly criminal spectacle of himself in college. A sure sign of a great NFL QB, ask the Browns! Meanwhile the rookie QB they could have taken (oh no! He’s from a college program with

If only we’d had a chance to see these qbs face off before we made our draft choice.

Really? I would never have guessed looking at this guy that he doesn’t shower regularly.