I think he was just scared that finger gun was real
I think he was just scared that finger gun was real
It's still the Ice Palace, and nobody will ever tell me otherwise.
If Sam doesn't catch on with the Cowboys, I suppose he is always able to join the Indians, Construction Workers, Sailors or Police Officers.
My husband is a brony and it's ruining our marriage. Thanks for eight and a half wasted years, you sonofabitch.
Was at this game and holman was just so much better than dinovo. Hard to see the logic in starting dinovo.
George O'Leary should be ashamed of himself for this QB mess. We most likely would be looking at a different result at the end of this game if UCF went with Holman. Then again, can you expect anything different from a guy who failed his QB management course at NYU-Stony Brook
After this incident (and to further reduce his extra swelling), Montero is being transferred to the mid-A Walla Walla CompressionSox.
As anyone who went to school in NC knows, the only real academic fraud in the state is a degree from ECU.
After watching the first few episodes yesterday, I have to ask myself: Why were people so scared of The Simpsons?
It's been great to see the older episodes in such high quality. Whenever our local affiliate airs them they look like VHS dubs.
They haven't been the Golden Knights in years. They are just the Knights.
Another sign the NFL doesn't get it: Petition started for Weird Al to play halftime got over 150k signatures.
Do you want to know the terrifying truth, or do you want to see me sock a few dingers?!
Seriously, can Gawker finally admit that the Kinja experiment has been an abject failure and move to something else? I liked the last system, where the starred commenters were given the responsibility of managing things and making sure only the cream of the crop got promoted (why yes, I did have a star...why do you…
Just don't let burners post pictures. How hard is this?
I thoroughly enjoy that 4chan has ruined your comments so much that you have to post articles about how much they ruin your comments. I feel not so much like I'm reading a real media website, but a blog run by a high schooler who just got his first copy of front page express going. SORRY GUYS SOMEONE WROTE SOMETHING…
But it does involve a Deadspin
I'll take that under advisement, Simon. Thanks for setting me straight!
It's very good to see Deadspin covering stories that don't involve a sport.