Crow's Newer Hair

Do they HAVE to sing? Is it contractually obligated?

This gives me unreasonable hope for this episode.

Watt's on Firth?

Anyone think that Dana should've just stayed on the show? Become a veteran cast member like Daryl Hammond? Better than wasting away not doing anything.

I've seen that building in the main image before.

Ick. The Tower O'Hair look needs to go away.

Any way that I can set it view "All" discussions permanently instead having to click on "All" and then scroll down to click on "show all discussions"? You know, like before? Having the option to leave it that way would make this re-design suck a bit less. Maybe it's a log-in error thing. I use Facebook to post here,

Same thing happened in my school district back in the day (5-6 years ago).

Ah, the joys of living vicariously through others.

People throwing brownies.

Damnit! I thought we were Wiig-free!

Saw that coming.

This reminds me how much I hate Tyler Perry's preachy tv shows/movies.

So... why is he impersonating Ricky Ricardo?

He can play Egyptian, too!

This would be the FIRST Nicki Minaj song I've ever heard. And...I'm not impressed.

Don't forget to smile.

God, I love John Waters.

THIS should've been on earlier.