
That was such a garbage thing to say, but I'm not surprised. Every news article about Leto has made him less and less likable.

This will sound stupid, but I can't watch that scene you posted without tearing up (much tears, many emotions). WALL-E being so lonely for so long and then finally having someone to share stuff with is so sweet, he's so excited!

Why is Deepika Padukone not mentioned in the last paragraph?

Making them gay makes them less heroic?

I thoroughly enjoyed the movie except (even though I got goosebumps) the music that played when Diana Prince is finally revealed as Wonder Woman fighting the hybrid giant thing towards the end I thought was kind of too much and a little cheesy. Also Eisenberg's Luthor was extravagantly punchable.

I'm so sorry because I could just look this up, but is this the one where everyone keeps breaking and Ryan Gosling is in it?

"The album really is [fire emoji]!!!"

Especially when the cop can be seen absolutely blowing his lid still pointing his gun at them. It's disgusting.

It bums me out so much that I won't have at least 5-6 seasons to binge whenever I'm feeling down because that is, I think, what we deserve! But maybe if this movie garners a strong positive response there's hope? Not sure how HBO works in their decisions about stuff like this. Either way, this is exciting!

I agree! MOM is great, even if personally I have more of a connection to YTG. Sameer Gadhia's voice is a gift, and Young the Giant should be much more popular than (I think) they are.

Young the Giant. As soon as I heard Apartment on Spotify radio I had to go through that entire album and fell in deep, deep love.

"But indirectly…"

I especially appreciate that the title said "Stanford rapist" and not "Stanford student"

This really bums me out because I love Gone Girl, and although the character of Amy was shown to be sociopath, the book gives some strong reasons for the why she does the things she does. That isn't, however, what this camp of people ever focuses on. It's mostly in the vicinity of "See! women CAN lie about rape and

I'm absolutely thrilled about us being shown Jess's ass (even though I loathed Jess for 95% of his screen time on Gilmore), which is great, but all I'm wondering right now is how NBC can show bare ass? Is this something exclusive just to internet trailers? Or has standards and practices changed rules about this?

Except when you have to use the sauce packets, that's a disaster waiting to happen :/

Agreed with all of these, most of all "Australia" and "Phantom Limb"

I thought it was that there's a third option other than winning or dying in the game of thrones?

Callie's bringing up Arizona's army kid childhood seemed like such a silly comparison, because from what we knew, Arizona at least had the constant of her whole family moving with her, instead of one parent here and one parent across the country. If Callie were a single mom, this would not be an issue (her moving this

The Chief [he'll always be the chief] has been the source of a lot of wisdom lately and I'm completely here for it!