
Jo's saccharine resolution at the end of, "oh I don't need this gun anymore!" was way too much. And this is coming from someone who's very much pro-gun control.

My friends and I were talking about this right after the episode finished, that Callie has had horrible luck with relationships and most of the time we've really felt for her and been on her side, but at this point, it seems like she foolishly goes all in with relatively new relationships and when things end up badly,

Maggie shutting Owen down was one of the best parts of the episode. I love that they refer to her youth so often and contrast it with her being a total boss with her job. Owen's childishness is getting so tiring.

I honestly felt like Negan's dialogue was really terrible. He kept saying things like "You are sooo gonna regret crossing me"

Did I read this correctly? I should watch Kirk Cameron explaining a banana?

I unabashedly love Dean Strang and will try to watch this! He was seriously dreamy, especially by the end when he was almost tearing up about the unfairness of the case.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say I love that show. Aside from Remini's character who I could never understand being with someone as frustratingly childish as Doug, the show was pretty fucking awesome!

It might have something to do with the fact that, like he said, he works with teenagers everyday. He probably gets really tired of his coworkers/friends acting that way too. He's great!

Yeah I think even more shocking than cutting the patient open with a clipboard clip was Spencer putting his BARE HANDS without gloves into the patient's ribs.

I like the Christopher who happily paid for Rory's college (and possibly set up a trust for her), finally doing something fatherly well. But he was pretty awful and petty most of the time. I would appreciate not seeing Luke and Christopher bickering in any scenes they share together in the revival.

April was okay but Anna (her mother) was the worst, most garbage person on Gilmore Girls. I like Sherilyn Fenn (her playing Jess's dad's girlfriend was great), but holy hell if I never have to see Anna again I'll be 100% great.

When Arizona was talking about how she used to be, I realized that I liked her a lot before she and Callie got together. And I love Callie and Arizona.

But..but… ALL lives should matter!!!

The last one is similar to what Lena Dunham said about Girls and its lack of diversity and I used to think it was a good excuse, but it seems pretty shitty now. NYC is incredibly diverse and somehow she manages to stay friends with mostly other white women and one white gay man? It sort of seems like you would have to

I can't even begin to describe how incredibly ecstatic I am about this.

Although I've watched each episode multiple times (it's a good escape from grad school) I'll give you this one. It definitely got a little stale a few seasons ago (I didn't much care for season 8 or 9).

As corny as it is to think about someone actually doing that, Meredith's self-sacrificial speech to the shooter was amazing. She really loved the hell out of Derek.

She's devolved a lot throughout the seasons but I'm hoping this season she'll be kick ass as the chief.

The loss of control you feel when the other person is completely out (for good reasons) but you're so not was captured amazingly well in their kitchen fight scene.

The scene where Jackson starts crying when April (who the writers honestly haven't given anyone a reason to truly like) starts berating him for suggesting trying to conceive again was phenomenal. This season is on freakin' fire and I'm completely here for it.