
I really enjoyed season1 Vanessa, but then seriously why did she keep coming to call the things if she hated everyone so much??

Oh god if they brought back the Secret Circle… life would be such a party.

I think the issue is that Taylor Swift likes to use feminism for her brand and music but when shit actually hits the fan for another woman in the industry, she's quiet until someone points out that she's quiet. Then her PR people make it known that she donated money.

To be fair, she does mention a number of times that the reason she doesn't want to leave GS is because besides all the worst things that have happened, all the best things have happened to her there.

Derek was awesome the first couple of seasons (when he wasn't with Meredith and was actively trying to woo her), but then he just became awful. As Callie pointed out in his last (?) season, he really did think he was the white hot center of the universe.

I could understand Owen's POV until he said something to the effect of (or maybe exactly) "who doesn't want children?!" in therapy with Cristina. That was some dumb ass shit. Between that and "you killed our baby!" in front of all of their friends, Owen became my least liked character.

I'm excited about this (potential) weekly coverage!

And that subsequently gets the only award the movie is nominated for?

Very interesting. I should probably start reading the comics, Carl sounds pretty good the way you put him. I've heard of Andrea (who I also couldn't stand in the show) and Michonne (who I already love) being fantastic in the comics too.

So do the writers of the show think that people like Carl? Because this people *points to self* HATES him and wishes death upon him and was thoroughly disappointed in the fact that he somehow survives after a bullet is put through his eye.

Do it! I might be biased because I always thought Derek was a little bit too full of himself (doesn't mean people deserve to die because of this) but it was kind of a breath of fresh air after he left.

JO IS THE WORST. I was hoping that Meredith's revelation after being able to talk was going to be that she's in love with Alex but I know that Grey's would probably never go there, haha

Aside from the obvious Meredith scenes, all of Karev's scenes were phenomenal. Alex has come a long, long way and when he gives a shit, he really gives a shit.

??? this is the same question I have ???

This is one of the biggest issues I have with Gilmore Girls (aside from the gay jokes throughout the run). Dean used to read and watch similar movies as Rory! Then suddenly he's illiterate and doesn't know who Bjork is, and automatically Jess is sexy and bookish and an equal for Rory.

The only thing I would have to disagree with in this article would be about Girls. There seemed to be some sort of closeness in the earlier seasons between the four lead girls but that has been destroyed and stomped on multiple times over throughout the five seasons. All of the characters are awful (and awful to each

Yes! The personality flip when they go from perfect to completely pathetic guys who don't deserve the Gilmore girls!

This. Jess was the fucking worst. He showed so much disrespect for everyone except Rory (which is honestly a horrible type of relationship to be in). After all the garbage Rory would spew about his being "so smart he could read a book in 5 minutes and pass any class easily," he was really just an awful kid who made a

“We keep wondering: When are people going to turn away from it? And it never happens, and we sometimes wonder why that is.”

Possibly the hardest I've ever laughed at anything on a sitcom is when Penny is dating someone whose last name is "Hitler" so she decides to try it out and has things like "The Hitlers" with hearts in a notebook.