
Awww! A whole two women??? How kind and generous of them.

News moves so fast these days that I did not have enough time to read up on Scaramucci. Now looking through his wiki page it looks like he's supported gun control, gay marriage, and both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in the past. And now he's this person?

Yeah, honestly. During the scene where the Yara and Ellaria were being dragged through the city while the crowds were cheering, spitting on, and throwing things at them was interesting. They did the same thing when Cersei was being dragged through the city. They just really like spitting on and throwing things at

That's a pretty funny joke, HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

I've gotten a new appreciation for season 4 of the show. However, Lorelais' First Day at Yale makes me extremely uncomfortable because all of the criticisms of how poorly socialized Rory is come true in the episode. All of the scenes with Lorelai being the cool mom who stays in a dorm and parties with the 19 year old

I have mixed feelings about all of Lorelai's boyfriends. Digger and Chris were similar in that they grew up together and could understand each other in different ways than Luke could understand her. In general I liked Digger; their relationship was unconventional but not unfathomable. Something about him always

How was Sense8 not a riskier or less-sure fire hit?

It makes me sad that they aren't coming anywhere near me :(

I don't understand how a gay man can be against female-only showings of WW. As a gay man myself, I'm perfectly content in attending any number of other countless showings of WW than whining about the few female-only showings. Women just want to celebrate this milestone with other women, and these men just keep proving

People who really want to be parents deserve to have children, and it makes me so sad when they aren't able to. Good for your friends and good luck to them :)

I genuinely like King of Queens too. It was also surprisingly gay-friendly for a 90s sitcom.

"I will never see the Ghostbusters remake"
"plus it's a bad movie"

Even with all of the stories about her "(un)professional" behavior I really just want her to find something that works. She's always been a pleasure to watch.

I suppose this is yet another thing we have Bill Maher to thank for. He's so kind to us.

I feel stupid now. And not just because I watched at least 3 minutes of that video.

Her pronunciation of the word pundit is truly mesmerizing, especially because she says it at least forty times in the span of 30 seconds. How has no one told her that it's not actually pundette?

I had to stop watching Girls because although it was all fun and games in the first couple of seasons, the (lack of) real friendships on that show was just NOT pleasant to watch later on. The only one I liked on the show was Shosh, and the writers (during my time watching it) mostly put her on the back burner from the

I've made that mistake before. When all of the anti-gay stuff from that duck family came out, I got worried because I thought for a hot minute I'd have to stop watching The Walking Dead. Little did I know I'd stop watching because the show would get so boring (to me) anyway.

It's sweet that many people in this comments section think we've gotten to that point already. I suppose they mean well?