
what is fey?

It absolutely does not mean that Patrick shouldn't be held accountable. I was replying to your comment in which you implied that Patrick was cruel to Richie on purpose because of what he felt Richie had done to him. I don't think that's the case.

Your comment about Richie describes how I feel. Everyone keeps mentioning how Patrick doesn't deserve Richie…but why? Richie is somewhat sweet, good looking, and has great puppy eyes. But he's also extremely judgmental, required Patrick to constantly walk on eggshells with him, and got mad at almost everything Patrick

I know everyone hates Patrick (and I can sort of understand why, he's rather naive and clueless about most things) but I don't think he would do something as calculated as that. I think he was just being clueless as usual.

But also Broad City has a friendship in which all parties genuinely care about each other. There is almost no caring in Girls. Also a lot less laughter from me.

i laughed too hard at this at work.

Unless that episode includes her moving far the hell away, I'm fine with Jessa quickly fading away into obscurity and getting the Mark Brendanawicz treatment.

I know people give SaTC a lot of shit but those were friendships I could actually relate to (and look for in my life). I haven't seen this episode yet but it sounds like Jessa is still being the scum of the earth and Hannah IS OKAY WITH IT FOR SOME REASON. Also, I started liking Marnie after what she said to Hannah

Amy Poehler and Adam Scott sitting at my dining table. I would probably cry of joy. I need to consider moving to L.A. and having an interesting looking house.

This is a beautifully written piece. I agree with everyone on here that's mentioned that their love for Parks comes from its warmth and general feel-goodness. Whenever I feel down I just marathon the show; the colors, the laughter, and the constant optimism and positivity make for an excellent pick-me-up.

The fact that these are not real books I can buy for friends and family makes me question everything about life.

I assumed it was Legolas because I love the LoTR movies (have only braved reading the Hobbit so far) but have never seen Zelda(?) in pictures or being played. So I can see why Patrick would mix them up.

That's funny because all I could think during Patrick's speech was that he was completely channeling Michael Scott. Only Michael Scott would do those things completely 100% sober. But still, makes me want to throw up from the cringing the same.

He really is. He's been on a couple of other shows as an extra/small character but as a more "douchey" person. He's absolutely fine.

i mean, he started violently throwing things but mimirose is the real monster, it's just one of those situations you know

Or she really was just not about mourning a cluster of cells. it is possible for different people to feel differently about situations.

I presumed that was MimiRose's backyard. So girl's got a pretty cool back yard!

I don't know why, but I felt oddly comforted by Marnie saying to Hannah, "You can come out, it's just me."

Beautifully written. That encapsulates what I feel about the show, so thank you. I also love the Beach House episode but I also expected more to happen right after that one…like did they call each other and try to talk things through or did they all just leave things just like that? Maybe I'm taking this in a

@TripleA85:disqus This is exactly how I feel. I don't know what exactly happened that Richie became prince charming to everyone and Patrick became the dirt under his shoes. I did like Richie a little more last episode when he mouthed to Patrick "are you okay?" and this episode but I don't find Patrick as awful as