
sincerely hoping that jessa has some kind of revelation of her own or she gets completely ousted from the show. cannot bear any more scenes with her in them.

fingers crossed that this was the episode that starts everyone's growth

Almost all of the episodes after season 1 have felt like very very low fat diet something. Like I keep waiting for SOMETHING substantive to happen but all it really leaves me with is a crappy taste in my mouth. But I genuinely enjoyed this episode and the characters (save for Jessa, the awfulest awful person to ever

You're completely right. When we see Jessa act like she's come to save the day I got kind of excited but as soon as she sat down and acted like the garbage dump she is, all the excitement went out of the window.

i thought that it was as natural as it could be on a tv show since Joan was a medical doctor and would probably have some knowledge about different therapeutic treatments in the area?

i'm sincerely hoping we see some pasta being eaten in mugs soon because that will just make me cry of joy.

A ton of Bell (calling him Marcus only seems okay when Joan does it) and Joan moving back into the brownstone just made my heart feel very happy.

Emily from Friends was the actual epitome of awfulness. Also, wow does Andrew Lincoln look FOXY all cleaned up.

i honestly don't get it about beyonce either. the gay community worships her which is great because yes she is very beautiful, seems like a kind person, good voice. but all this "beyonce is queen" business is a little tired. i quite enjoy the fact that she expresses her sexuality in her music videos and while putting

i don't listen to the radio often but i was driving a rental for about a week and i swear every 3 songs i heard "not the only one" but don't recall hearing "stay with me" at all. Was so confused when it kept being mentioned last night. pointless fact about me to you!

you don't have a cell phone? this is actually very interesting to me. i would like to be less dependent on my cell phone but i'm terrible at directions and cannot read a map to save my life. I'm genuinely curious, if you ever get into a car accident, would you go to the nearest pay phone to make calls? The only reason


yes, all the characters could eat tampons and "albus severus" would still be worse.

it was part of the disastrous epilogue

i was in tears from so much laughter. then ilana continuing to eat seafood and then ending up looking crazy. holy hell. so excited!

well i did not know about this but now i'm so incredibly happy i spent $39 for a student acct

I thought she was stuck with being a "straight woman" too but then she found a condom in her vagina. So much goodness in that episode!

what am i missing here? why would Amazon include the show to be voted on if they didn't have any episodes (or the intention of making more) ready?

I agree about Monica. For me, her lowest point was when she gave Chandler tons of shit about not wanting to waste his (very responsibly) hard earned savings on a big wedding. This was somewhat rectified when she apologized later, but I always get really angry at that plot.

you just made me feel really silly and useless but MADE MY DAY WITH THE LINK. forever grateful!!!