
my absolute favorite (and impossible to find on youtube) is when Jenna asks Pete(or Jack) which of her sex noises are the best.

now that i think about it, my using spotify IS rather similar to cruelly abusing and killing innocent animals and selling their body parts to other assholes

also kudos for what looks like a buffy name!

how is that relevant?

that's just diabolical……

i need to see the research behind this

Siri can answer those questions better because she is connected to the internet

The calligrapher's license bit. not at all unhappy about this new utilization of Dr. Reed.

I've stopped watching the current season for a few reasons: SINGING. why is there so much singing!!!! if i wanted to see that i'd have kept watching past the first season of glee! I despise musicals so so much. Also, I do genuinely enjoy being scared from horror stuff, but the only season that achieved this for me was

I was actually going down this list expecting to see The O.C. While I love the show and can even put up with the disaster that is season 3 (and the GEM that is 4), it should have been planned better and ended with graduation. It irks me to no end when "teen dramas" leave high school. Something about that seems so

OH. That was a sports person!?! For a minute there I thought he was someone they worked with on a case.

and there's no villain named Pagan Brown?

Sorry, "LABOR" was absolutely amazing! I do hope they utilize Weeks much much more for the rest of the season. The text (which I realize wasn't him, but still) coupled with the hanging up on his patient to talk about etiquette were excellent.

i'm interested to see why they all get arrested together. does that mean there's actually going to be more of them as a group having fun?

i'm partial to when ilana is pissed because abbi's lesbian experimentation didn't happen with her.

I just wanted to comment on the first part: the guy that started tailgating you after driving like a complete asshole first was a level ten DICK. I can't stand when people drive 10 miles under the speed limit and act like they're doing nothing wrong in the world.

I haven't finished reading the Hobbit so I'm scared that at the end of this one we find out there's yet another movie

"I love females." a phrase that is always followed by a great, genuine appreciation for women.

You aren't alone, I like her because of Rosie Larsen as well!