
He is not “esports” he is a manchild with humor stylings best served amongst the junior high school demographics.

Yes we can. You are the second person unable to read, apparently. Okay, I repeat it in caps so you can understand better:

Dude, mythology is my business, you can’t beat me there, newb. But you seem to have completely missed that you were watching a COMIC BOOK MOVIE with a comic book Heimdall who has nothing at all to do with the mythological one.

Remember this is not typical Norse mythology-Heimdall, but Marvel U’s version of the Norse gods, which are well established as aliens. I know Heimdall is white in the comics, but still there is no reason for these aliens to be ethnically Norse. Once you accept the fact they look like humans at all, their race is

I knew this would come in handy soon.

That’s what I said too! That made the whiners even more stupid...

But Rue was never white!

Putting John Oliver on HBO is the best pairing the entertainment world has given us since someone in Hollywood decided to add The Rock to the Fast and Furious franchise.

If it were another character I’d be a lot more surprised, but you have to remember Darryl was shoe-horned as the back-woods hick from the south. He seemingly had no cultural experience outside of the school of hard-knocks.

In Georgia, where Daryl is from, every soft drink is called “Coke”.

The first time someone said ‘pop’ to me I reacted just like Daryl.

Jesus: “Haven’t had a real supper in a while.”

The only problem I have with this is there’s no such thing as a bad Jesus pun.

I’m really hoping for a bad Jesus pun every episode from here on out..

I ask but one thing of The Walking Dead this season.

I want an outtake on the gag reel where Norman and Andrew break into the prayer from The Boondock Saints...

I have been waiting for Rick and Michonne for years, it seems. They make the most sense to me, (more so than Daryl and Carol), but more than that it was handled so sweetly. I sincerely hope this lasts.

Pretty sure that Bricken does not really pay attention to the show: Jesus stopped the truck to change a flat tire, Carl saw Spencer and Michonne in the woods so purposefully led Zombie Deanna to them realizing what Spencer was looking for. Those were both pretty easily spotted.

If I’ve learned nothing from this show, I’ve learned that women whom Rick Grimes gets close to die.

I wish that the show had foreshadowed this relationship even the tiniest degree, because pre-ordained by the comics or not, it feels very rushed, even arbitrary.