
That’s why I blocked the comment section of IGN. After a main character in Black Sails turned out to be gay in his back story and I saw the horrible homophobic things people there were saying in the IGN review, I had to block the comment section so I wouldn’t spend days arguing with those pathetic imbeciles.

I wanted to ignore the wolf’s turn around. It just felt so forced since the wolf attack wasn’t any more than 12 hours ago.

I felt it. The guy went down saving Denise and it obviously surprised Carol to see. Makes you wonder who the guy was before and how he got with the Wolves.

Two things: 1. Go read the comics. This episode was a delight for those of us who read the comics. 2. Go read the reddit thread on this episode and see if you can embrace any of what they clearly loved about it:…

I feel like everyone has skipped it. Even EW (where I go for actual recaps. I come here for the commentary). Wolf was shot and threw himself on a zombie and yelled “GO!” To Denise. Carol sees this and feels conflicted. Did no one else but you and I see this?

So are we just gonna skip the whole thing of Morgan being right about the wolf?

Yeah, I thought this was one of the best episodes I’ve seen in a long time. You know that when the first bulletpoint under “Assorted Musings” is the writer defending their opinion before anyone’s had a chance to disagree, there’s a problem.

Daryl. I know you found a rocket launcher, so now every problem looks like it requires a rocket launcher-shaped solution. But you know how else you could have lit that pool of oil on fire? A goddamned lighter. Settle the hell down.

It’s almost as if we watched totally different episodes.

Incorrect. A widely-accepted protocol has been established, but some people are still behind the times. We educate those people by correcting them, not coddle them by saying, “Hey, whoa, whoa, wait, let’s not get too hasty about this. Until the Official Governing Body of Pronoun Etiquette has weighed in, this is all

The “basic courtesy” being referred to is just generally avoiding acting like a gigantic bag full of dicks even if you don’t agree with what someone is doing. Presumably most people are capable of this unless they are just incredibly dumb and/or inbred.

Snails swap sex.

I appreciate this comment, as I was debating in my head how do you refer to a transgendered person before they transitioned and started publicly identifying as a different gender? This clears it up for me a bit better. They were always male or female, they just couldn’t express themselves as they wanted to yet, for

There’s a word for everything you’re saying. That word is, “bullshit.”

Uh, I think you have it backwards. ;) It’s calling him her, and yes, usually you should start when the person asks. Or if they publicly change their preferred name, it’s usually implied you should use the correct pronouns.

Good luck to her and whatever she persues here on out!

It was during the scenes where the crew members were talking with their families, explaining that their trip was going to be extended due to the rescue mission to save Watney.

I really don't understand why there aren't freaking Ahsoka toys EVERYwhere.

"Q: Where are the action figures for the female characters from Rebels..."