
Yesterday when, out of the blue, I decided to play it (I wanted something different and it had been in my library for a bit.) Before doing so I clicked on the store page to refresh my mind on the game’s concept. So, as of last night, it was still on sale. I have five hours in so far and have been enjoying it.

I had this game in my Steam library for a while. Last night I was in the mood for a platformer. So I plugged in my XBox 360 controller and fired the game up.

I pretty much figured the hospital was not something that could be held with much of a hoard due to the small number of actual combat soldiers on hand.

I always figured if there was an area of the US that would be the seat of either some kind of civilian rule or military rule it would between the Rockies and the Mississippi or possibly as far east as the Appalachians. The southern line held at the Rio Grande.

I rewatched episode 5 before watching episode 6 and I paid attention to the radio chatter. I heard a Cobalt called in on one of the safezones which made me think it might entail an airstrike of some sort. Fuel air bomb? Chemical weapons? I recall in the book ‘World War Z’ that in one part, in an eastern European

Personally I'm all for some time in juvie if they are minors and then a ton of hours of community service. I mean something like 2000 hours.

Additionally, the people who get caught doing this asinine stunt are going to find the prospective colleges and employers all do a google search. Guess what kinds of hits will

I love the things Gaige comes out with. It gets incredible when she has 400 stacks of anarchy.

This is for Boring and Easy. I know I am making some assumptions here and everything I am going to be saying may not apply to you, but much of it does per what I can discern from what you wrote, some of it might be hard to read and more so to internalize and think critically about.

Perhaps some of the guys who read

Not sure but it's possible, or that the organization will expand with time.

It really is a gloriously quotable movie. Reminds me I am overdue to watch it again.

The thing is they are not trolls. Trolls will make asinine personal attacks or take a counter view solely to go nuts with it in an effort to get those they rile up to blow their stack and rant back. It's attention and/or for the lulz.

That is so true, though I've been in more than a couple companies that don't see their employees as resources but as expenses on the spread sheets the financial types love so much.

Every time I see your handle I immediately picture a guy ensconced within a blanket fortress with a sign outside of it that says, "No Girls!"

"Now I personally dont care who or what you want yourself to be (gay/trans/furry/etc) just as long as you aren't flaunting it or forcing it onto people, then I have no qualms."

Curious, what do you mean by flaunting and forcing it onto people? To me it sounds like any people in such groups should be unheard and

I don't know about TurboTastic, but I sure hope I don't know you in real life.

Oh, you.

Yes, because naked or scantily clad (as in scantily clad to be lusted over/eye candy) is so incredibly common, whereas the same with women is so incredibly rare.

Yes, because this isn't the exception to prove the rule. I am sure you could find way, way, *way* more videos of naked women in Skyrim or the same in just about any game that is moddable. Otherwise, there are a vast number of games where the women are scantily clad (and please don't tell me that a scantily clad male

I'm much the same, but I am very, very new to the game as I bought The Sims 3 about a month ago.

I've actually taken a break from my sim now that I have a better handle on the game. I realized (in the depths of depression) that my sim has an incredible life and thus I can't stand her currently.

Naturally, the people

Maybe dating myself, but I actually wasn't around when the following happened, just read about it back when I used to visit Slashdot.

Every Sept. new students coming into university would be given Usenet access and not get that there were cultural norms of politeness. Once Usenet was opened for those outside