
This may be an achievement... my account was hijacked EIGHTEEN days ago and I have yet to even receive a single response from Valve. I have followed all their steps for verifying my account and gone above and beyond to prove the account is mine - by sending multiple emails with proof of purchases. I have repeatedly

If you're paying $60, I think length is a valid discussion. Portal was short, and positively wonderful, but it was also priced appropriately for it's length.

If you're level 10 you can set a Steam badge that displays your rarest achievements on your profile automatically, w/o having to wade through all those games.

My rarest Steam Achievement was not buying a single goddamn thing during the last holiday sale. They don't give a badge for that though.

Out of my 6 rarest achievements, 4 are from Dishonored.

Civilization V: "Discoverer: Playing as Italy in Scramble for Africa, earn the VP for finding two Natural Wonders." Percentage of players who own it: 0.2%. Funnily enough, Civ v has a TON of rare achievements, because most people never play scenarios.

Its only a matter of time before someone is killed because of this.

I would pay good money to watch one of those assholes crying for his mommy when the judge gives him 20 years in federal prison.

All swatters should be charged with attempted murder.

Are you sure about that Billy? Pretty sure white people have won the world. Must be so tough being white, huh?

Right, except for pretty much all of recorded Western history, white people have just been doing terrible.

Now playing

I prefer South Parks representation of cops, it's quite accurate!

Pretty sure current events have shown that "shoot them" is the understood police protocol for like... every situation.

Why am I not surprised that even their training videos have them attacking black guys?

Molyneux is the game industry's P.T. Barnum. I've never understood why he is still held in such high esteem or why people keep trusting him. I recognize his enthusiasm (and he's been involved with some great games) but a visionary who can't deliver is worthless.

STAT | 10 million – Number of copies sold, combined, of Assassins Creed Unity and Assassins Creed Rogue in 2014, according to Ubisoft; Far Cry 4 sold 7 million, while Watch Dogs sales now total 10 million units.

QUOTE | "We come under attack... every day, by people who hide behind the banner of free-speech, and they demean it by doing so." - Alex Lifschitz, who along with Zoe Quinn has set up the Crash Override service, explaining how they help targets of online mob harassment.

Just more evidence why having a separate Air Force at all was a stupid idea. Have one Military, put everyone on the same team working towards the same goal.