
I was too busy watching the fantastic NXT TakeOver Rivals to partake in this, but I'm glad to see the negative light being shone on the "gamers" of GamerGate, even if it's boogeyman stuff borrowed from 1990s Pentacostal Christian rants. Anything that gets their collective panties in a bunch is something I

Manfortress continues to be the true hero of this entire clusterfuck.

I would be very happy if it turned out this entire episode was written just to troll Gamergate.

What I don't get is why there aren't more games made in India - aren't they the world's second-most-populous nation, with a burgeoning tech sector? We know from Bollywood that there is enormous creative talent in the country. - where are all the games?

So, what you're saying is, there's representation, but we, as a culture, don't see it, because that representation is exclusive to its own cultures? Hate to break it to you, but that's not representation. No one outside of that culture experiences the work. Also, if pop culture is the field, and the forest is on the

Just to be clear, that was a joke.

Nonsense, literally nothing happened in the entire world outside of Europe during that time period.

that doesn't change the fact that the market is saturated with Western Europe based fantasy settings

Did you miss the part where I said other fantasy isn't as rooted in pop culture or are you willfully ignoring it?

I see lots of Hindu and Buddhist folklore represented in JRPGS, which is kind of all-encompassing for most of Asia, and Korean folklore has a lot of parallels with Japanese folklore. Chinese folklore gets represented a lot too. Would definitely be cool to see more polynesian and SEA folklore though.

When I was in school, I watched my roommate play through parts of the 2008 Prince of Persia game. My girlfriend at the time was from a Zoroastrian family (yes, they're still around) and as such, I had learned a few things about the religion and its mythology. So I found myself surprised as hell when I heard them

I know, too bad there aren't English speakers and writers who devote their entire lives learning about non-European cultures OH WAIT.

True dat, but due to so many knights-in-armors titles dominating the fantasyscape, this little variation could be the first step in the right direction. Baby steps, mate. Baby steps.

But too many are rooted in Eurocentricity.

No, it doesn't! And some of the smarter stuff, like Endless Legend, succeeds in getting away from this. But it's a hard legacy to break away from...

Funny, I recently had a conversation with a friend where I asked "What's up with all these games about the middle ages? Don't writers know things were happening outside of Europe too?" I know it'll boil down to a monetary excuse as to why we don't see much diversity of locales & cultures in that front. Ye'olde tried &

africa really is one of the areas that needs to be done more, the wealth of heroic stories and mythologies that are totally untapped would be a breath of fresh air to gaming. Its something I have lamented since guild wars nightfall. its a big honkin continent and you could mine a lot of cool things out of it that a

This was one of my favorite animes from last year. Decent story and beautifully animated.