
Saints Row IV isn't even in the same sandbox subgenre anymore. It's more like Crackdown or Prototype than GTA and that's actually pretty awesome. Although that does kind of makes you wonder what's next.

I tried not to hurt any civvies in saints row ends poorly.

If living in Hollywood and driving a 30-year old and 10-year old cars are your ideas of having lots of wealth, you have some pretty low standards.

Well yeah, that's fine. That's IRL behavior. Well, in Florida. But GTA is really just a huge Florida simulator.

I find it funny that people say everyone only plays GTA for the chaos but the games that got rid of the rampages and added deeper characters sold more than the previous versions and the people playing GTA Online have always been a small minority of the people who bought copies of the game.

I try to be as little as a sociopath as possible, probably because the game is set in my real life neighborhoods, and my actual RL cars are in the game under the names of Futo and Fusilade, and Michael beats down Fabien with a laptop at the coffee shop my girlfriend and I frequent, so everything just hits really close

yes!! I don't mind like death matches or fun things like that, but just riding around exploring and listening to the awesome soundtrack really makes the game for me. It sucks I have to be in passive mode, cause I love shooting the NPC's who sass me

on the contrary, i think it adds to the video.

I must be a total loser because I just play GTA for the great atmosphere, soak up the music, the world design and the commentary, play the campaign and then never play it again.

Nah, I play it all RP like with the radar off because I'm weird. Stopping at red lights, trying to use my own car, just have more fun that way for whatever reason.

And, honestly, that should have been their first decision with the New 52. I mean, geez, DC...


Well, good news! They are undoing it all and making her look more like the cartoon Starfire.

"I'll have the fish and chips" did it for me

I can agree with this. While Babs is always my Batgirl at heart, I love Stephanie Brown. Also, Oracle was a beast. A well-rounded character who overcame a lot in her days. I also hate the "reimagining" of Barbara lately. It's like they de-aged her 10 years, took away all of her experiences with the top tier of

As Oracle, Barbara was truly unique, the first "information age" heroine, fighting crime with her brain and computer skills, a heroine created before the dawn of the internet really took off. She became defined as more than just "female" Batman, she created the Birds of Prey herself and lead them, and she refused to

I admit, the ONLY book from the New 52 that I felt was "improved" with the reboot was Aquaman (and that's only because Geoff Johns was a good writer).

Games don't have to be fun, like art, books and movies, they just have to be compelling.

Being a married man, I often am more emotional then my wife is. In movies for example she doesn't really feel anything that often. Like sometimes during serious scenes, such as a man dying in his brothers arms, she might laugh because she says its drama. I think part of it has to do with her raising maybe.