
And let's not even get started on how physicists made up gravity in order to steal money and guns.

What this indicates to me is that if you're in a rich country, in a city, you're probably safe. If you you're in a poor country and living rurally, you're fucked.

For all fellow Canadians, we're #11.

Surprise! The rich will be just fine, and the poor will get screwed. '

You were a refuge in Seattle BEFORE it was cool.

Portland has all the advantages of Seattle with few of the disadvantages. Seismic activity would be less catastrophic, we're dozens of miles off the ocean, so a tsunami wouldn't be a factor. And our climate is just as favorable, but with a more extreme push for ecological preservation and less industry to muck it up.

This is one of things where it's nice to go unnoticed. By all means......flock to Scandinavia ;)

I laughed when I read "Willamette Valley will be a magnet for the global warming migrants".. But then again, we have been dealing with Californians for quite some time.

They can just capture the melting glacier water and sell it at Whole Foods for $5 per liter.

Hi, I'm from Seattle...

I'm moving to Seattle later this year. Mostly because my daughter is there, but also because out of all the cities in the US, it's the least likely to be screwed over by climate change (probably Portland as well). At least until all the refugees from the south show up. But hey, I'm one of them so I can't judge.

Well, they did apologize profusely for the "Asshole Brown" thing, so they have acknowledged doing it at least once.

"how is comcast still a company?!"

Gather them all up in one place, to make it easier to take them all out with one bomb. Actually, the "Secret" location was the Greenbrier resort in West Virginia. Plan failed when it was not longer secret. Same for Mount Weather, and Cheney's "Undisclosed Location"

Yea, your "safe" under the rule of a govt. that would do that?

I'm not sure how its a crazy conspiracy to think the US Government had plans to round people up at various times throughout the 20th Century.

Sure you will. With some nice black marker "redactions".

It called for the immediate detention of 12,000 people without cause. That's not preparedness, that would be labeled as tyranny.

I bet it's not that different from the new, current plan.

I was wondering how people would "spin" this. I read it as if there is a nuclear war, keep everyone inside and round up the "dangerous" ones for some nice fema camp time.