
Lots of people. Also what the fuck is Calburger? And I live in Los Angeles.

Don’t you need to be over at Rotten Tomatoes spamming?

Located another crybaby pissboi.

This is the HR person saying nice things after she explains COBRA.

“Good effort, losers. You should feel good that a pack of scrubs like yourselves managed to give us a tough time.”

Now playing

Anytime I see that name, all I can ever think of is “I GOT BROKEN ANKLES, AHHHH!” and I just laugh and laugh.

He’s not comparing. No one is downplaying your precious little rivalry, relax.

“She’s a porn accountant because she’s a narcissist!”

She could be the learning disabled accountant.

Those were all Gungans and in the extended Blue Ray version they’re all gonna have voices and throughout the whole fight they’re gonna be saying shit like “Oopsie me have a stabby” really loudly

That’s only a concern for journalists. Remember, “Gawker” properties only employ journalists when it serves them intellectually to call their bloggers journalists.

If you can be pedantic, so can I.

Me trying to read those things:

An opinion is an opinion, and you’re far from alone in not liking this movie, but did we really need to know who Snoke was?

They probably wish it was just like one of those boring-ass EU novels from the ‘90s.

Huh, these things you hated were some of my favorite aspects. It’s almost as if our opinions are subjective...

I really hope we get the curmudgeons willing to share how TLJ is the worst thing ever in this article too. Their commentary is so insightful.

Do you think that maybe the bombs, falling from an environment with gravity (such as the bomber they were in) might continue in the same direction once they enter zero-g?

FYI, the bombs are magnetic :)

It’s both. They are not mutually exclusive.