
Me with Death Star playset.

Hehe, awesome, I made the cut but it was too obscene to be answered. They’re afraid of the family loooooovin’.

They were too high on cocaine !!

I like to be on Jalopnik for cars, not politics.

Yes; they were on a bonus disc for the 2006 DVD release. Terribly windowboxed but they’re there.

Adding in Hayden Christensen

aint even mad.

I keep seeing this comment and it makes 0 sense. Why would they do that?

So you’re reposting Mercedes’ press release. If anyone should know, and most definitely a reporter would know, that the accusations contained within press releases are inaccurate until proven true by some independent source. Shame on you for posting gossip.

Sikh and Islam are completely different religions which aren’t remotely related to each other. It’s like racists aren’t even trying to educate themselves anymore.

I had such a weird relationship with this book. The whole time I was reading it, it felt like “small galaxy SW,” where everyone encounters everyone else even though it’s unlikely that would ever happen. Ya know, like Anakin creating Threepio.

but it’s new to us and this is our blog

so the opposite of this then...

There will only be one Evolution film in my heart

Thank you! Jesus Christ why couldn't the author do this?

You're the hero Gawker needs.

3D IMAX in US:

Those two tear-downs... aren’t of the same level of detail.

What you still have an old Models S? We’re on the Model X now, try to keep up.

Sometimes the press take care of the crashing themselves: