It looks like you posted the wrong video. Congratulations Governor-elect Polis but I wanted to see some fascist tears.
It looks like you posted the wrong video. Congratulations Governor-elect Polis but I wanted to see some fascist tears.
One of those links lead me to the old Valleywag site and immediately brought me back to 2006 when I was a much younger, single, and childless, person toiling at a start up in downtown Palo Alto, just a couple blocks away from Facebook’s old HQ. I’d often see Zuck walking down High St. headed home after work. I regret…
I saw the article title, noticed the phrase “calls cops”, made some assumptions about the involved parties. And obviously I was right.
Why did I have to come down this far in the comments to see someone finally ask this? Idk why he looks shook like that. I’ve concluded it’s Parkinsons
I’m surprise that cosplay is still a thing but compete is shutting down...
I live within my means. A 20% down payment here is easily $150,ooo-200,000. Thanks for playing.
Here let me take a stab at it:
My husband boards the moment he can,
Just advertise which ones are the parent-only flights so I can book those.
Racist bitch of the past eclipsed by current contenders.
Michelle only went sleeveless because she thought conservatives would love a free gun show
“The First Lady turned to the children and in a sweet but somber tone began, ‘I truly understand your pain. Day after day, trapped. You don’t know who you can talk to or who around you actually cares. Even with all the fancy toys,’ as she gestured to some games and potato chips the children had scattered around their…
Yeah but Michelle Obama wore something SLEEVELESS once! Why aren’t you libturds angry about that thing?!?!?!
Elon is losing his mind.
There are three important visuals in this ad: the gun, the kitchen table, and the simple gold cross around her neck.
Re: “The title’s pixelated figures aren’t likely to tickle anyone’s erogenous zones” - All rather tragically the thirteen year old me managed to masturbate to it. Then again the thirteen year old me could masturbate to Sonic The Hedgehog.
good thing your opinion literally doesn’t matter.