
@gileadslostson: I guess mexico would seem calm if you were from a crazier place.

If it were real it'd be better to flip the logo so it's right side up while you play.

@djscruffy: Nah, Glen beck tells people it's the end of the world all the time, and let's face it those are the people we're talking about, and all they do is complain and go on the occasional shooting spree.

@djscruffy: Those fat assholes cna't take down the military, they couldn't even take down a decent sized police station.

@salthegeek: Really man? You're going to talk about attacking government officials again?

@gileadslostson: Don't go to mexico you idiot, it's fucking crazy down there.

This is a silly article. We cleared the skies after 9/11, of course we'll take down the net in case of attack if we need to. And that's the way it should be.

@Saffronrose: Look up the definition of dictatorship.

What's this have to do with video games?

@Zyker: That's true, on the other hand, a lot of the popular girls and guys became teenage parents.

Meh, sounded like a good time and a story to tell, the rat brought them together instead of the usual 'avoid eye contact for 40mins' ride.

Hmm, can I sell some of these?

Oh well, if any survive they'll be better adapted for the new world of suck... hopefully they won't survive just to be run over by the ships rushing in to try to see who can rape the arctic first.

@Tactful: You also got to go to planets with no atmosphere in ME1, I enjoyed doing donuts on the moon.

Makes me glad I didn't watch.

@Shadowdagger: Actually Go Bots was so crappy they only have up to go from there.

@Tactful: @25toLife: Yes, but that's only the first line of defense, ammo can get through that and that's why Shepard, Grunt, Garrus, etc, wear armor. After the first stage which was an emergency they should have gotten full armor.